WINNERS of the “Sandwich, with a Side of Romance” READERS contest are:

Autographed Copy of “Sandwich, with a Side of Romance”

– Jessica E
– Meredith P
– Ashley B
– Jennifer H
– Jo L

GRAND PRIZE Sandwich Winner is….

Rebecca B!


CONGRATS to all the winners!!! An email has already been sent to you, so if you didn’t receive, please let me know!

And again, a heartfelt thanks to ALL my readers. I appreciate EACH and every one of you!

Also, don’t forget, if you want your own autographed copy of “Sandwich”… see the readers tab for more info! 



  1. I am so excited to receive an autographed copy of your book! But, I have not received an e-mail yet.

    Thanks again!

    Meredith P.

    1. Meredith, I'll try to resend! I sent to the email that was used when you logged on to enter the rafflecopter… if you logged on via facebook it used whatever email you have attached to it! Shoot me an email and I'll send you the notification back!

  2. I can't believer that I'm the grand prize winner. I'm one of those people who never win anything! I'm so excited to get the package! Thank you!

    Rebecca B

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