My regular readers may have noticed that I am NOT posting today on my conference series as scheduled. I’m also posting at 6 in the evening vs wee hours of the morning in my “pre”scheduled post.

Why is this you ask?

Because I was wrapped up reading a good book last night (if you must know, Deeanne Gist’s Measure of a Lady). Then this morning, everywhere I turned something wrong happened, and I just didn’t have time to write before I left for work. Then I got to work and everywhere I turned, there was something to “fix.” LA! On top of that…. I got the very bad news that my car needs a major repair which will cost me FOURTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS to fix. Be still my cheap heart, I about croaked.

So, I am delaying my conference post until tomorrow. (we’re talking about business cards by the way…)

TODAY, for the remainder of this fun filled HAPPY DAD GUM DAY! I would love to solicit positive things from you all. I am a big believer in the ole “Think happy thoughts” motto, so come share some happy thoughts with me today! What GOOD thing happened to you today?

My good thing: Despite my, uh, not so stellar day, I arrived home to find that my Microsoft Office Software arrived in the mail! WOOHOO!!! SUPER fast eBay shipping (I just purchased Friday night) and no more napkin/notepad/ridiculously hot bonus room writing for me anymore!

Your turn! Happy thoughts!



  1. Hey, Krista! I'm sorry you've had a rough day! I so hear you about car expenses. My hubby and I both have vehicles with over 100k miles on them. We're both going to need new cars. But we just put money into both, so we're trying to put it off.

    Good news: After no writing since last Wednesday, I managed to get more than a thousand words written today. I've had trouble moving forward on my story, but today was a good day.

  2. I got to enjoy the day with my family. My hubby's off on Monday's, so he helped with the kids. So my positive vibe that I'm sending you is this: Take thirty seconds just to enjoy the things that went right.

  3. Missed you this morning! But hey, a Deeanne Gist book will do that every time, right? Doesn't it make you want to write historicals? 😉

    Happiness today? Nope. Sorry. I had on my cranky pants today (as Sherrinda fondly calls them!). I guess if you twisted my arm, I'd say that a highlight of the day was going to the nursing home with my kids and visiting with the residents. We do it once a month and it always blesses me even though we're suppose to be blessing the residents!

  4. Hmmm. Happy thoughts.

    Took daughter to the dentist to discover she probably needs braces.

    Scratch that. What was the good stuff today?

    Aha. I got to spend six hours today working. Thankful that my overflow part-time work-from-home job is overflowing. (Bummer, little or no writing time but it's a paycheck and will help pay for the ACFW conference hotel.)

    Took the kids swimming. The two-week countdown to school starting and my little guy tromping off to kindergarten. Snuggles and hugs from the little guy. My older son had a playdate with a friend. Clean clothes folded and put away. Groceries bought. Exercised.

    Okay, okay. I guess my day was more up than down. Hope yours turns around. (BTW, I feel your pain on the car repair – we paid $1123 just over a month ago).

  5. *sniff* You all are so sweet. THank you for the good vibes.

    Have I said lately how AWESOME God is?

    So I blogged about my "good" thing but I have MORE to add. How greatly our God blesses us and sees to our needs!! What I DIDN'T mention is that I've been flipping out because when my "trial" version of MS word fan out (this the reason for me buying the full version on eBay) My story was "up". I was sure it was saved. I really was. But it wouldn't let me save it AGAIN, so I exited out, only to open it again to realize it had NOT changed the last major revision I'd done. I was pretty sure it was saved under "auto recovery" and was praying and praying that I could "recover it" once I downloaded the full version, but had this horrible fear that I wouldn't be able to.

    I opened it, and it didn't let me. *sniff* BUT, I went to my "recent" documents, and what was there??? "auto recovery version of ______" I clicked on it, and VOILA! My autosaved story appeared!

    On TOP of this STELLAR great news… I got another really cool God relief thing (it isn't a huge detail and I won't detail it here) but it just made me sigh in thanksgiving to my Jesus, because he really DOES have our best interests in heart and He DOES take care of us.

    Okay, I've blubbered on long enough. I'll wipe my tears of joy now and get working!

  6. Sorry your day was rough. It may be a cranky pants day for many of us! I started back to work today and just couldn't get my brain wrapped around all that needed to be done in preparation for registration Wednesday! Yikes! Too many interruptions.
    BBBBUUUUUTTTT…my good news. My dad sent me my edits on my first chapter!!!! I am totally blown away. I am going to learn SSOOOOO much. I am sooooo excited about it. (can you tell?)
    Yay for God being good to you! He always has a way of speaking goodness in the midst of our crankiness.

  7. I really hate days like that. Just like Alexander, you had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Have you read that book? Anyway, my big celebration is that my short story got published today in CFOM!!

  8. Sherrinda… Love your good news! A good edit, while sometimes stinging… is always nice to get! It's a sign of progress!

    Katie, YES! I have read that book:-) and KUDOS on the CFOM short-story! I gotta go read it!!!

  9. Hi, Krista!!

    I am praying for peace for you! I'm sorry your day was so rough!

    I got to meet with with a writing friend today. We went hiking. It was just great to talk about writing and our dreams of publication. She's one of those friends that makes me want to keep writing–such a HUGE blessing!

    Now, go use that awesome software! And sleep well!

  10. Oh man, sorry to hear about your car! That would make anyone cranky. Our cars are both 14 years old, and one has over 200,000 miles. So I can totally relate.

    A happy thing…hmm…hmm…wow, Krista, you really ask the tough questions! LOL! I'm hoping for a happy thing/good thing. OH, I know–my friend wrote that her friend has some free homeschool materials that she'll be sending me soon. THat was totally a happy thing! Hope you have a better day today 🙂

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