Thanks, Sherrinda, for cluing me on on this fun contest! Julie Lessman is having a contest for a bunch of VERY cool prizes in honor of her new book, A Passion Denied. I haven’t read it yet, but it’s on my list to read! (am I the only one who’s list is like ridiculously long?!?)

Anyway, for those of you romance readers out there, if you haven’t tried a Julie Lessman book, you are SOooooo missing out! Many books stop at, “They looked in each other’s eyes, and he took her in his arms. The kiss they shared was sweet.”

Uh, yeah. Not Julie. When her character’s kiss, you FEEL it. It’s romantic and real without being smutty and disgusting.

To find out details about the contest Julie is holding (and a chance to win free books!) click here.

Happy contesting folks!



  1. OOH thanx I love a good contest!

  2. Thanks, Krista! I’ll have to check it out! And I know what you mean about pulling someone in! I love it when an author can do that!

  3. You are so welcome! I can’t wait to get Julie’s first book in the mail! I am hoping to win the critique…though a chance for the other books are a sweet deal too. 😉

  4. Thanks for the link, Krista. I always love hearing about books I never knew about before!

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