So…. Home is going GREAT!
Annabelle slept wonderful last night… 
No med mistakes this time… 
Mommy actually slept 6 hours..
Mommy even slipped out for two hours this morning while Annabelle played with Grandma and had fun time with Lacy going Garage saleing! 
God is SOOOOOO good! We thank Him SO SO much for the blessing of HOME!
(and yes, I’m typing big and in pink because I’m so EXCITED!!!)
A Few Pics:

My almost five-year-old/almost birthday girl putting together a puzzle! My Gabby is such a GOOD GOOD big sister! 

Nap time in my bed! I do night-night in Mommy and Daddy’s room, but nap time in my own room.

Mommy decorated my door!!! I wonder who’s that room is….

I’m really not sad… just serious. This toy playing thing is hard work!

JUST got home here… I know this place looks familiar… Oh yeah… it’s HOME!



  1. Yay! I'm sooo glad you're home again and that things are going well.

  2. So very happy to read this! Continuing prayers for you all as you continue to adjust to being home again.

  3. So happy to read this post!
    Still praying for you all. 🙂

  4. Hooray! Thinking of and praying for you all. 🙂

  5. Yay! So happy for you! Your girls are gorgeous!

  6. Yay!!!!!! I'm so thankful you guys are home! We have been praying for you and your family. We will continue to do so for this settling in period! God is sooo good! Glory be to Him! So happy for you 🙂

  7. How good it is! I am "tickled pink" that Annabells rejection episode was short and that you are all safely home. I just caught up on several months,(I posted a long comment to you on your "Not Quiting post if you want to read it.) It is just so good to know there is hope. God bless you!

  8. STill praying, Krista!

  9. How absolutely wonderful that you are HOME again! I'm so happy for you all!
    And Happy Birthday to Gabby! 🙂

  10. You're getting there, Krista. God bless you all.

  11. So glad to hear you are home and things are going well. We'll continue to pray as everyone makes adjustments.

  12. So glad to see this report, Krista! And 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep makes such a big difference, doesn't it?

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