This is gonna be a big of a hodgepodge, and maybe redundant for those who follow me on Facebook (it’s been just faster to update there because things have been so crazy this week!)
First, how is Annabelle doing?
She’s been on gut rest for almost 24 hours now with Pedialyte only since we were not able to stop our gross stools and dehydration while still on formula. Waiting for doctors rounds to see if we go home today or tomorrow. If we go home today, we’ll go home on pedialyte only and it will be up to Mommy to restart feeds slowly and figure all that jazz out. Which I’m fine with. Just a bit nervous.
And doctors just rounded. That IS the plan… as long as her labs look good which they just took. Should have results within the hour.
I’m SO excited to go home… but so nervous too! She’s still stooling 10 times a day or more… most not staying, um, contained (but MUCH lower in volume) even on pedialyte, so yeah. It’s gonna be… interesting. And it is up to yours truly to figure out how to restart her food without hurting her belly, which I am fine with. Just a lot of stress and pressure. I do NOT want to screw it up and end up back in the hospital right back where we started.
I posted the below on Facebook last night, and honestly, it’s where my heart is, so wanted to post it again here.
as I am frustrated with things with Annabelle this week, I am keenly
aware of how BLESSED we are to have her with us to go through these
struggles. Each day, even the ones with sickness and frustration, are a
gifts I cherish. As I do my God given responsibility to advocate and
care for my child as best I know how, my heart in turn is also hurting
for a family just two floors down who is watching their sweet
10-year-old struggle for her life on ECMO– a cruel and unimaginable
twist that the flu brought on, causing heart failure in an otherwise
healthy young girl who may now be facing heart transplant, much like
Annabelle did. And a sweet friend of mine (and her 2 year old daughter)
who mourns the loss of her husband to cancer last week…. My heart just
breaks today for them as I pray for them specifically tonight. So much
hurt… but I remember our rock bottom days. What I KNOW is that even
the hardest, most hurtful moments, God is there. God is bigger than all
of this, and we HAVE to keep our eyes on him. This world is just filled
with too much hurt and evil to keep our focus earthward. Please join me
tonight to look to HEAVEN for our faith, for our hope, for our
foundation, for our HEALING, both physically in BIG needs like Halle’s
and smaller ones like Annabelle is going through, and heart-hurts like
my sweet friend and her little girl are feeling.”
Halle’s Facebook group for updates is at : . So please feel free to go join and support her. They don’t have great-great news this morning, and this sweet little girl could use your prayers!
Thank you so much for keeping Annabelle in your prayers this week too! They have been felt.
Love to you all, and if I don’t get a chance to update before then… HAPPY EASTER! HE IS RISEN!!
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Skyping with big sisters!!! |
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Mommy is making me take a bath… ON THE FLOOR!!!! She is, um, not pleased. |
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She’s still brooding…. |
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But Mommy did her hair and her curls are back!!! |
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Night night time in a clean and pretty bed!!! |
**** UPDATE****
Home is a no-go today. Transplant team came in and nixed the idea. Mommy, honestly, is a bit relieved. While I want to go home more than anyone, I want it to be the right time that is the safest for her and gives her the best chance of thriving. With the meds that she is on (and their questionable absortion at the moment) she just needs to stay put a day or two more.
Glad she is feeling better- sending thoughts and prayers for a swift recovery and of course, for those other two families. <3