My first year in trying to “give” something up for Lent….

And I’ve officially fallen off the Lent wagon.

Between Annabelle’s sleep study on Monday and heart cath on Friday, the odds were just stacked against me re: finding time for pretty much anything.

Next week isn’t looking much better, as it’s Spring Break. While we have zero plans to “do” or “go” anywhere, I do plan on trying to find fun things to do with my kiddos.

I momentarily thought about getting up early to do my “one hour” but since Annabelle’s gotten into the bad habit of waking me up between 4 and 6 am…. yeah, NOT getting up earlier than THAT.

Not that I’m not still going to climb back up into the Lent wagon.

I have ever intention of doing so.

But I’m just thankful today that God forgives when we screw up. That He understands the challenges that life brings. And that He gives us second chances.

I’m also reminding myself that Lent is a man-made tradition with a fabulous purpose, but really, we should be committing each day to God. We should be “dying” to self and putting God first every day, not just 40 days before Easter.

Denying ourselves on a daily basis and focusing on Jesus is not easy. It goes against our culture of late that says, “Do what makes YOU happy.”
Can I just tell you? I see that phrase ALL. THE. TIME. in stores on children’s tshirts.


Despise it.

But that is a whole other blog post/soap box.

So what about you? How are you doing on your lent wagon, if in fact you ever got on?



  1. Well, since I gave up Negativity for LENT, I have fallen off many times…like, All. The. Time. 😉
    Actually, during Spring Break, it wasn't too difficult, because I was living a piece of heaven, but at work…well, that is a totally different story. You can pray for me today….ha!

  2. Sherrinda… oh my goodness! I should have given up negativity for lent too!!! I'd have fallen off that wagon too, though, probably…..

    Prayers coming your way today! (as I sit in Starbucks working on editing…. LOL)

  3. I gave up meat for lent…..doing good in that regard but my goal was vegetarian eating… far, fallen off the Eaton 3 times and ate chicken 3x…'s just too easy to do….

    1. ohhhhhh, yes. Giving up meat would be HARD for me… and if that included chicken, yeah, I'd fail!!!!

  4. Gave up my Pepsi for Lent and still going strong. My family must think I'm nuts as they hear me order water with lemon when we go out to dinner. Crystal Light pink lemonade has become a new friend <3

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