I have a confession to make. I’m… a girl! I know… SHOCKER! And along with being a girl, sometimes I can take big things in …
Trusting God
Giving Someone the Finger??
Funny story. In church yesterday, Scott and I were standing and singing during worship, and I looked over and saw this little boy being held …
Glorified — And Annabelle Update
First, wanted to give a quick Annabelle update. Less than one month until her arrival! And if we keep the scheduled induction date of 7/26… …
Do dreams really come true?
When I was little, I LOVED LOVED LOVED Cinderella. Poor dear suffered so much, but in the end, she found her prince charming and lived …
Annabelle Update
Yesterday we had our first appointment with my new OB. A wee bit frustrating that we have to switch since my doctor delivered Gabriella. It’s …