From Beach trip 2013… Memories… My kids are with their grandparents right now. At the beach. I’m at home, trying not to be jealous. (But …

From Beach trip 2013… Memories… My kids are with their grandparents right now. At the beach. I’m at home, trying not to be jealous. (But …
I’ve had a fever since Friday (started during Scott and I’s rare date night, JOY.) Slacked of Saturday morning, thought I was better so went …
Playing with Play-dough for the first time! CHECK UP Annabelle had her every 2-month cardiac check up on Monday! SO SO happy that she’s well …
I’m starting to feel better today. After three solid days of running a fever my fever finally broke last night and *knock on wood* hasn’t …
I have no grand words for you today. Instead, I have a fever, cough, and a speeding ticket. Anyone want the speeding ticket? Giving it …