It is exactly ONE MONTH until school starts back up for my kids. I’m not gonna lie. While I LOVE LOVE LOVE spending time with …

Shushing, Hurrying and a TRIP to school!
Hmmm… I SHOULD go to sleep! I’ve realized something lately. I “shush” and “hurry” my children A LOT. More so lately than I used to. …

Baby Steps
Firsts this week: First trip to Applebees (Thanks, Susie, for the giftcard!) First trip to Krogers (and Mommy’s first attempt at using more than one …
Throw up, whoopsies, tea parties, praise/prayer request, and ER visit!
I had this post all written last night and was getting ready to post when all crap broke lose. This is a shortened version of …

Clinic update
Today went well!!! Echo and EKG are unchanged, which is good. I looked at the labs tonight online, and from what I can tell, they …