SURPRISE! I’m posting on Wednesday. I know, I know, I’m walking on the wild side… off schedule posting and all. *ahem* But anyway, I noticed …

Ten Ways to Ensure My Book Flops
NO BOOK (flip) FLOPS HERE! Confession: I’m not a book marketing/sales expert. I know, SHOCKER!!! I’d venture a guess that a lot of authors are …

It’s been ONE WHOLE YEAR since my debut novel released September of last year. I couldn’t let September finish without wishing my sweet, pink book …

It’s on SALE! EEEEE!!
While I’ve dipped my toes now into the publishing industry, I’ll be the first to tell you I know next to nothing about how online …
Lovin the Sales
I know, I know, the economy is pretty crappy right now, money is tight and we all are feeling the strain to some degree. Even …