What. A. Week. Annabelle is home and doing well. She’s playing like her old self again, still walking all over tarnation. Still needing pain meds …

Yeah for Pee and Boo for SOC
On Monday, Annabelle gave Momma a scare. She decided to “hold it” and not pee. I went to change her diaper in the middle of …

Baby Steps
Firsts this week: First trip to Applebees (Thanks, Susie, for the giftcard!) First trip to Krogers (and Mommy’s first attempt at using more than one …
A few GOOD things to report!!! First, got a call on Friday about our labs on Thursday… They were GOOD. And not only just “good” …
Crazy Day
My day started with waking up to Annabelle laying in a whole lot of poop. Like, bed/clothe/nasal canula drenched poop. It then turned to dealing …