It has not been a great night. Annabelle got increasingly fussy, crying in pain when there really should be no reason for pain. We gave …

It has not been a great night. Annabelle got increasingly fussy, crying in pain when there really should be no reason for pain. We gave …
If you haven’t guessed, I’m a dreamer. Thus the reason I call this blog, “One Woman’s Dream.” (I’ll probably change the name again, it still …
Annabelle is on the floor AGAIN for the THIRD time since transplant! Fun that it came on the one-month anniversary of her getting her heart! …
Today marks the one-month anniversary of Annabelle’s new heart. A month ago today, I was wringing my hands, excited and petrified at the same time. …
Ashamed to say I haven’t been taking the time to be in God’s word nearly as much as I should. No excuses… just a fact …