My smarty pants! Blogging late today… today was not only kiddos last day of school, but also Annabelle’s first day of Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy/Feeding Therapy …

My smarty pants! Blogging late today… today was not only kiddos last day of school, but also Annabelle’s first day of Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy/Feeding Therapy …
We had our first feeding therapy appointment on Monday. I’ve decided to play nice and follow directions, do it their way for a while if …
My morning: Got up about 6:40 a.m. (after going to bed at midnight. Remind me not to do that again!) Prepared and administered Annabelle’s meds …
When an obstacle comes, there can be a couple different reasons (please feel free to offer others…) Sometimes God allows obstacles because you’re drifting off …
Do you ever feel like you are wearing a cape and pretending to be like Wonder Woman? “Need that done? No problem! **insert name** to …