I told myself I wouldn’t do this, but I’m making an exception today! Over at The Writer’s Alleys, my post today is on how to …
Genesis Contest
Difficult Days
We all have those days where nothing goes right. We look up to the sky and wonder why everything had to cave in on one …

I clicked “submit” on my Genesis entries this last weekend. And the wait begins… Doesn’t it seem, as writers, that we’re always waiting on SOMETHING? …
Genesis results: The good, the bad, the ugly (Part III)
THE “ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENTS” And can I just say? There were a lot of them. ESPECIALLY on book two and three. Just like on my …
Genesis results: The good, the bad, the ugly (Part II)
THE WINS I actually posted this (automatically) this morning, and deleted it when I got up this morning because I didn’t like it. I LOVE …