My morning: Got up about 6:40 a.m. (after going to bed at midnight. Remind me not to do that again!) Prepared and administered Annabelle’s meds …

My morning: Got up about 6:40 a.m. (after going to bed at midnight. Remind me not to do that again!) Prepared and administered Annabelle’s meds …
Woke up this morning to an Annabelle scare. Well, to be more specific, I woke up to a sleeping baby, and that made me EXCITED! …
When I was little, I LOVED LOVED LOVED Cinderella. Poor dear suffered so much, but in the end, she found her prince charming and lived …
Last week we dreamed about that BIG contract! FUN stuff! Today, given our romance theme, I thought we could dream again, which I REALLY need …
This last week, we’ve talked about why we write, and that we all hope to earn at least a LITTLE money off this writing gig …