WOW it has been a busy week!!! We had our HR directors/managers in for our semi-annual conference at work, so my last 3 days has been spent in meetings, lunches, and dinner last night. Monday night we had my neice and brother-in-law’s birthday party, so this is the first time I have been able to really sit down at a computer since Saturday (besides regular work of course!). Sunday night found me shopping, WOOHOO for tax free days!

On a good note though, my hubby spent some time helping me with my WIP! My last post noted that I had revamped the first 5 pages of my MS, which are the most important in my opinion! He had some additional suggestions, and I really like how it turned out!

I am still trying decide however what to do about current proposal(s) that I have sent out with the former chapters. What if they took at look at my first page and hated it? What if it is better now? Should I resend? Should I sit tight and rely on God (I know I should do that regardless…)? I need to send out more proposal’s, I have only sent out… 3? Actually 2 query letters and 1 full proposal, but for some reason I was hoping to wait for at least some response before sending more. Even a rejection letter at this point would be better than nothing! *sigh* I need to learn patience. And I am sure I am guilty of putting all my eggs in one basket.

I think my other fear is that I will send out more proposals then find other big things to fix. I want to perfect my ms all I can, but at what point do you say uncle, it is as good as it will get before an editor?

On another note, only a week and a half before my first writing seminar! I am very excited. Actually, I think the biggest thing I am waiting for is to get the feedback from that seminar. I have never had anyone other than my family read and critique my manuscript, so I think that will give me a really good idea of my next steps.

I know I have to take all feedback with a grain of salt, and not take it personally, but I really am looking forward to it. It will be difficult if there are alot of negative comments, but regardless, I think what I really need is a good dose of confidence. I am usually my own worst critic, and I really could use a little outside encouragement and wisdom.


Life as an unpublished author is so complicated! Although, I have this funny feeling that once I AM published, I’ll be saying the same thing!

But the key is enjoying the journey I think!
