I love my husband!! Just in case I haven’t publicly declared it enough, I wanted to make sure that was a known thing.

With Valentine’s Day coming up, it got me thinking of all the fun little romantic things my husband has done for me over the years.

Here is a short, not-all-inclusive list of some of my favorites:

  1. He “folded” me a dozen red roses out of paper origami style and mailed them to me while I was away on business. SO SO sweet! Some guys would have called a florist and five minutes later, been done with it. MY hubby spent his entire weekend folding these for me before mailing them off. Oh my goodness, it was SO very sweet!
  2. When we lived in Indiana, wild daisies would grow in the ditches near hubby’s work. He’d pick a bunch of daisies for me after work and I’d come home frequently with a bouquet of them in the middle of the table.
  3. Our first snow after getting married, he went out and wrote “I love Krista” —or was it I love you? Don’t recall… but he wrote it HUGE in our front yard in the snow… SO SO very sweet!
  4. At one point early in our marriage, Scott worked 6:30 – 3:30 while I worked 8-5. While he was at work, during breaks he would take scrap paper and write love notes to me, then leave them for me the next morning so I’d have something to read when I woke up and he’d already left for work. He KNOWS that writing something for me is HUGE!
  5. For our second anniversary, hubby surprised me with a new wedding ring. We were HORRIBLY poor when we got married, so we both decided just to get a fake one that could be replaced with a real one later, but I had zero clue that he would replace it that soon! I still love oohing over my ring:-)
  6. After I’ve had a particularly bad day at work, sometimes he will come up and surprise me with a good back rub. Back rubs are the key to this woman’s heart:-) (Foot rubs too!)
  7. Cleaning the house. Granted, I’d LOVE for him to do this more often, but day slike today when I come home and I can tell he put a ton of effort into it, it makes me smile and feel very loved!
  8. Going shopping with me even when I know he’d rather be doing something else!
  9. Sending me flowers at work. There’s just something about that that makes a woman’s heart want to overflow!
  10. My song. He wrote me a song and sang it at our wedding, and oh my goodness. There isn’t a lot more romantic that that:-)

Discussion: A two-part question.

For those married or in relationships, what’s the most romantic thing (that is sharable in public, ha!) that your significant other has done for you?

For all — I heard this question on the radio station this morning (WAYFM to give credit…), and I though it a fun one to ask everyone on this Friday before Valentine’s Day.
“I know it’s not generally considered romantic, but I think it’s very romantic when a guy _______.”

My answer is the same as my #7… cleans the house!



  1. I think it is down right sexy when my man does the housework. Yeah baby! 🙂

  2. Love your list, Krista!! He sounds like a keeper for sure!

    Since my love language is acts of service, I definitely appreciate when my husband pitches in on housework or whatever, especially without me having to ask! Not romantic, I know, but it sure means a lot! 🙂

  3. "I know it's not generally considered romantic, but I think it's very romantic when a guy _______."

    When a guy does something completely unexpected that fits the personality of the woman he loves, whether it's sing a Dean Martin song to her when DM is her favorite singer, bring her a box of lunch leftovers from his restaurant every day when he knows she hates to cook, or learn how to dance when it's something she loves to do–even if he's afraid he'll fail at it.

  4. Great list, Krista. You've got a very nice husband. He was so patient with our antics at the banquet last fall, the lone male at a table full of giggling women.

    I love it when, on date night (every Friday,) my husband reaches across the table and takes my hand. Sigh.

  5. Oh, MYYYY! And I thought Alan was creative!!! My favorite is the origami!!!

  6. Okay, well, this isn't the MOST romantic thing, but it's one of the more original.
    I have this thing about putting stuff in jars. I hate seeing labels. I dump every bit of food I buy into some kind of pretty generic container. It takes time, it makes a mess, but I can't stop myself.
    One time we had a fight, and he drove off in a huff. He called and we both apologized, and he mentioned he'd gone to Target to buy some undershirts.
    "Could you pick up another jar while you're there?" I asked.
    "I'm sorry, I just pulled out of the parking lot."
    When he got home I found that he'd bought me one before I asked.

  7. Sounds like you have a great catch. I'm happy for you! :0)

  8. Awwww, what a sweetie pie! I have a romantic husband too. One year he left me Reese's PB cups all over the house with Superman Valentine's. I got them the whole week before Valentine's Day! Of course, our 25th anniversary trip to a treehouse was wonderful. And he write's me lovely poems. Oh..and foot rubs. I loooove those!

    What a great way to get me in the mood for love! 🙂

  9. Hi Krista –

    Your hubby sounds like a gem.

    My late husband and I went to a mall to look at engagement rings. He said he wanted to get an idea of what I liked.

    When I held up my hand and admired a particular ring, he knew that was the one. His comment: "We can do that today."

    We grabbed a bite at a restaurant, and all I could say was, "we just got an engagement ring."

    I could fill a book with all the romantic things he did.

    Susan 🙂

  10. Sometime before my 24th birthday, when Wade and I were dating, I had mentioned that I had never had a leather Bible with my name etched on it. Well, when my birthday rolled around, and I got a heavy book-sized box, I knew that's what he had gotten me. It was so sweet! I opened it, and on the front it said, "Valerie Lewis" etched in gold. Lewis was Wade's last name, not mine. 🙂 That's how I knew he wanted to marry me. 😀

  11. Oh, and the coolest part about that Bible is that's the one I use now. It has our marriage in it on the marriage page, and our boys' births are listed on the births page.

  12. Aw, cool. My hubby has done a bunch of things like that. One of my favourite memories is when he took me to a Barenaked Ladies concert; he was keeping it a secret, but by the time we got there, I figured out what it was and who was playing. What I didn't figure out was that the opening act was Tomi Swick – whose song "Night Like This" is "our" song and the one that we danced to at our wedding. 🙂

  13. What a great guy you have, Krista. I loved reading your list.

    Gwynly is a science teacher, so he's much more of a practical person than his mushy wife. Sometimes, though, he totally blows me away.

    He did so on our anniversary this past December 19th. I received a huge box wrapped in cute paper with cut out tissue papers hearts added. It looked suspiciously like a kitchen appliance, and I wondered if I'd be able to look excited when I opened it.

    I did! Inside was an iced tea maker, something I'd mentioned wanting months before when it grew too cold to brew sun tea. I love sweet tea and drink it every day, so this gift was especially meaningful. Gwynly really scored!

  14. You definitely have a keeper, Krista!! He sounds wonderful.

    My hubby isn't terribly romantic. I love him to bits, but romance isn't really his thing. Come to think of it, it isn't mine either. But he did give me the first season of Castle this year, and I thought that was really special.

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