Rest is such an amazing thing.
It can do wonders to a soul.
I’m back from my two trips that I’ve anticipated for months and months and months.
Usually two trips in two weeks would be so incredibly stressful. But not these trips.
First, I left my kids behind in both cases. I LOVE my kids. But I needed a break. Badly. Like, momma is on the brink of cracking, badly.
Second, I got two trips that I really needed.
One to focus on ME as a WRITER and a woman and as a child of Jesus. To have fun with friends and mentally recharge.
And one to focus on my marriage and to physically recharge. This girl needed SLEEP!! Hubby and I got a little cabin in the mountains near Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, and went on a “stress-free” 4 days of just slowing down the pace, not fretting about what/when/where we were going to go, but just relaxing. We came back actually LIKING each other again, enjoying each others company, and me not snipping at him every 5 minutes. (If you know us at all, my hubby is not a snipper. He’s pretty quiet, and usually I’m snipping at him to talk to me more, LOL)
So yeah, I’m feeling renewed. I like, cleaned my house yesterday, did laundry, AND got some writing in. All in the same day. Along with taking care of Annabelle. I know, shocker, huh!
We’ll see how long my energy lasts, but I’m enjoying it while it lasts!
So here’s my blog tip of the day:
Take a wee bit of time for you.
Ugh, okay. I know. It feels selfish. Our kids should be our everything, we should put everyones needs before our own, right?
But I propose that you can’t take care of everyone else unless you’re physically, emotionally, and spiritually “taken care of” yourself. If you’re tired and worn down, eventually you’ll become ineffective.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, tired, unproductive, bordering on sanity (raising my hand as of a few weeks ago)…. get away. Even if it’s for a few hours. But overnight is AWESOME if you can swing it.
Clear your to-do-list slate, leave guilt and stress far away, and just take a little time to “be”.
BE yourself.
BE in the moment.
BE in tune with God.
Just… Be.
How do YOU take time for yourself to recharge?