A few quick prayer requests this Saturday:
One is just from an overly worried Momma. Annabelle is doing well for the most part. However, her stools are still runny, and while she isn’t gagging and vomiting as much (I thickened her feeds with cereal), I have no idea how much water she is actually retaining. She doesn’t look NEARLY as bad as she did when we took her in, and she is tolerating feeds, but over all her eyes just aren’t as bright and are a little sunken in, and she’s super sleepy, and just not my playful, energetic Annabelle.
BUT, her O2 sats are staying well with NO oxygen, even at night now. (She does dip a little, but usually recovers pretty fast.)
Please just pray with me that she “keeps” some of that water (but not too much!) and peps up a bit! I don’t think it is bad enough to go back to the hospital, but she is definately not 100%. Dehydration is hard. I can’t tell it by a heart rate or a O2 sat. It is a complete judgment call, and not one I like making!
(proof of her sleepyness… she fell asleep at 6:30 while… kinda… eating. Eating consists of Momma trying to put a spoon of sweet potatoes in her mouth and Annabelle batting it away and closing her lips tight and getting it all of her face! twitpic.com/6mhdox)
The next request is for another little baby who is in a situation similar to what Annabelle was just a few short months ago. She’s waiting for a heart.
Unfortunately, what I had feared the worst for Annabelle is what this little girl and her parents are going through. A heart hasn’t come yet, and her condition is deteriorating quickly. The doctors give her little hope. There are infections warring her precious little body, and she is just not well. Even if a heart came, they aren’t sure she is well enough to receive it right now.
My heart just breaks thinking about little Scarlet and her parents.
Yet, I know we serve a mighty God, and with HIM, ALL things are possible. God is the God of hope.
Please join me in praying for this precious little baby, and all the other little babies out there in similar situations. I come across their stories almost everyday, and I don’t always share, because there are just SO many. But I felt an urge to share this particular one.
Lots of prayers and happy thoughts of strength and good judgment for Annabelle and you … And Scarlet. Hang in there.
I will be praying for Annabelle's BMs to improve and for you to have the wisdom to know when she needs the attention of a doctor. I will also be praying for Scarlett and her family.
I will be praying for Annabelle's BMs to improve and for you to have the wisdom to know when she needs the attention of a doctor. I will also be praying for Scarlett and her family.
Oops! I thought I received a message that I made an error in the word verification and I still saw my name in the Name/URL box… so I typed the new word and hit post again. Then … WHA-LA …. the same comment posted twice.
Prayers for Annabelle and Scarlett!Love that exhausted highchair pic. I'm surprised the doctor didn't ask you to keep her on a few oz of Pedialyte once she got home, makes sense to me.
P.S – Cayden has a premature pda and needs time off the vent to strengthen his lungs but is having a time staying off the vent. He also has syndromes and other complications but his heart and lungs are the most pressing at the moment.
Praying for Scarlet.
Does Scarlet have a blog that we can follow, and leave prayers for her family???
Her mom's blog is:
However, if you are on facebook, you can find more updated info if you find and like the page, "Help Scarlet Get a New Heart." They keep it updated once a day or so.
Lis, am continuing my prayers for little Cayden as well!!!!!