I’ve been working diligently on trying to update my website (I’m not ready post it yet, but am getting there) so wanted to redesign the look of my blog a bit to match. I like it much better!

Guess what??

Today is Saturday!


My kiddos are watching cartoons and Mommy (even though she should be cleaning house) is working on her book. Well, her book and her blog and her business card and her onesheet. I’m having a hard time managing my time. I want to get EVERYTHING done, but I think I’d get much more accomplished if I focused on one thing at a time. But, my blog is checked off the list now.

My rule of thumb when I get overwhelmed is 1.) delegate (i.e. I bribed Karalynn with payment of $2.00 if she would *watch* Lacy and Gabby this morning, meaning keep them entertained) 2.) Get the easy stuff done first. If you have 10 things on your plate and 5 of those are simple, get those done first. Then you’re already half way through your list and 5 seems much more manageable. 3.) After step, I get the thing I don’t want to do, done. If out of the 5 left, there is one thing you are just cringing about and don’t want to tackle it, DO THAT! Once it is out of the way, the rest of it isn’t so bad.

So what about you? Anyone have any time management tips to share with everyone? When you have 10 things that you want to work on, how do you pick which ones to do first?



  1. Great ideas. I find that if I’m really overwhelmed and my brain is screaming at me to stop, I have to step away for a few minutes. Then, making a list is good, although I usually list in order of priority. (That’s the nursing background!) I find that if I get the most important or pressing thing out of the way first, I usually relax a little.

  2. Ahhh, yes, I am a huge priority person at work. I’m in payroll, so getting people paid is #1, taxes paid is #2 and garnishments paid is #3. Everything else sometimes just has to wait *grin*.

    Ohhh, and I LOVE making lists… I just have a hard time remembering to look back at them. I can’t tell you HOW many ‘to do’ list excel or word files I have saved out there… LOL

  3. I think your advice is pretty good.
    Sometimes, having three kids 4 and under, I do stuff that’s kid-friendly (like laundry) and save other stuff (cleaning the bathrooms, mopping) for naptime.
    Whew, it’s interesting.
    And writing?
    THat’s whenever I think I can get it in. LOL
    Sounds like you have things under control, though. 🙂

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