About a month ago, I blogged about my husband’s Mother’s Day flop. I got over it eventually, but my husband was wise enough to know that he had a little redeeming to do.While our kids were at an extended stay at Grandma’s house the end of May, Scott gave me my Mother’s Day present, only a few weeks late. He knows, as he should, that it wasn’t the same. Getting a gift two weeks late and only after I had to make a big point at how hurt I was over NOT getting one, isn’t what I would call thoughtful, but it was better than nothing.
And, I LOVE MY GIFT! It was what I was really hoping for in the first place! A laptop desk!
You see, I do my writing on my laptop, and usually not at a desk (our computer desk is upstairs in a VERY warm bonus room… I like to not sweat while I write personally). I usually either type in bed, which isn’t the most comfortable, or in my WONDERFUL rocking chair. It is very comfortable! However, if any of you use a laptop, you know that it gets VERY warm sitting on your lap. In Border’s, I happened to see laptop desks! What a great idea, I thought! The one I wanted was dark wood with a beeny fabric covered bottom for cushion. I have been using my desk for a few weeks now, and I don’t know how I could write without it. My legs no longer have 2nd degree burns when I am finished! The greatest thing about my laptop desk is that it had very little affect on our bank account. My hubby works for Best Buy, and where as the retail price is $39.99, we got it for less than half with his discount. I fully realize this makes my husband somewhat cheap, but so am I, so I didn’t mind. I’m saving up for the ACFW conference anyway!