I mentioned before I left on my “break” that I had a big announcement to make in the new year… and it’s now time to make it.

Some may have thought it was an “agent” announcement … but alas, still glancing at e-mail and/or phone ever few minutes … hoping.

Actually, it’s nothing writing related at all.

It’s something much better.

You see … as much as I gave Sherrinda grief on that particular post for guessing that my “announcement” was of the baby variety, well, she was right:-) I didn’t lie either, in the comments section I said I need another child like I need a hole in my head… but that doesn’t keep me from WANTING one, for being ridiculously excited about Scott and I’s upcoming bundle of joy.

To answer a few questions that usually follow:

Was this planned? Yes. I wanted to be done having babies by the time I’m 30… and I turn 29 in April. If this makes you roll your eyes, please realize I started having babies at age 19!

How far along am I? Almost 11 weeks. Yes I’ve known since before Thanksgiving and have kept it a secret. NOT AN EASY TASK! I’m pretty much a blabber mouth:-)

Am I sick? Yes… but not as much as my poor friend Valerie, who is about 2 weeks ahead of me. **HUGS** my sick, pregnant friend! I’m still praying the puking stops!

When am I do? August 1st.

Since I have three girls… do I want a boy?? YES! But I love my baby regardless, so if it’s a 4th girl, she’ll be just as loved! But a boy would be a very nice surprise:-)

Names yet? Nope. We plan to find out the gender… so will wait until then before we start name brainstorming.

And now for a picture…. taken Wednesday. The baby is doing FABULOUSLY! He/She was moving around and even waived for the ultrasound. I cried:-)

Needless to say, we are SUPER excited.

Last question: How will this affect my writing?

Not in the long run. I’m not quitting, because it is something I feel God’s called me to do, but I’m sure my schedule will need more adjusting with the coming of #4. But I DO plan on getting tons done BEFORE the arrival of little one, so I can take some time to rest and love on my little one.

So… that’s my big announcement!!! What do ya thing? Am I crazy??? (If you answer no, well, then you really don’t know me very well!)



  1. Oh Krista!!! I'm thrilled for you!!! Congratulations!! You know I'm partial to large families! And I know you'll do just fine juggling everything. I'm the first to say, it's not easy, but it CAN be done!! Blessings to you, sweetie!

  2. CONGRATS!!! That is such a blessing. So amzing, friend! Relish in the gift of grace growing in your belly. Blessings to you and Baby 4!

  3. Congratulations! I can't think of better news!

    I started having babies at nineteen too. Long story. I love my angels!

    God bless you!

  4. This happened during ACFW, didn't it!!! (alright, I know my math is off but it's a romantic thought, right?)

    Eeeek!!!! How exciting for you guys!!! So many babies going around. 🙂

  5. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!

  6. Congrats! Number four! WOW. You brave and wonderful woman 🙂 Blessings for healthy bub and Mom.

  7. Congratulations, Krista!! Praying all goes well and that you manage to do all you need to before baby's arrival. Rest up and enjoy!

  8. Congratulations, Krista!!! Every child is a blessing. So happy for you. I'll be praying you get plenty of rest. Don't hesitate to ask your family for help!

  9. How exciting! I'll pray that you have a boy. And OMG it looks just like my daughter did at 11 weeks. You're baby is going to look just like her!!! (LOL!!! I know I know..all babies look just like that at 11 weeks.)


  10. CONGRATS!!! That is awesome news!!! Praying everything continues to go well and the sickness goes away soon!!!

  11. Congrats to you, Krista!! 🙂 I think you're smart to be done having babies at 30. I was 32 when I had my last and noticed he was considerably more difficult to deliver! lol

    How fun!! 🙂 (But how can you wait to start brainstorming names??? I would want to do that immediately!!) 🙂

  12. Yay, Krista! What a beautiful blessing. I look forward to seeing you blossom. Remember: crackers 🙂

  13. CONGRATS!!!!
    Children are blessings from God!

  14. Yay Krista! Congratulations!

    We are expecting, too. You are just ahead of me 🙂 I am 7wks/9wks (depending on how you're counting). I'm due in the end of August. How exciting for you!!

  15. Congratulations!! That's wonderful news!!! And give yourself plenty of pajama days. 😉

  16. Oh I am so happy for you!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! What a blessing you have ahead of you. And like Jody said, it can be done with the writing:))

  17. Congratulations to you! What a wonderful blessing. Will be praying for you and your family.

  18. Woohoo! That's grrrreat news. You'd better type fast, LOL! Of course, I learned to type and nurse at the same time, so anything is possible 😉

  19. Oh, Happy Baby!!!

    Great news. We have three girls and haven't done anything permenant to make sure we won't have more…we shall see.

    I'll enjoy reading about your adventure!
    ~ Wendy

  20. Big time congrats for you, Krista. While I wouldn't want to contemplate another child at 29 (even more so now that I'm about to hit 39, yikes), I'm happy for you if you're happy for you. Children are wonderful, and they help us keep our minds and hearts young. May your pregnancy be as comfortable as possible and may the baby be born healthy as can be.

  21. That is so awesome! What a blessing! Congratulations!

  22. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!! I'm so happy for you, Krista!!!!!

    Btw, thanks for pointing out the different parts of the sonograms. I have a hard time reading them!

  23. You are not crazy. You're a mother. Congratulations! And keep Jody as your role model; she's amazing.

  24. Yay! Congratulations! I totally understand wanting to be through having babies before 30 🙂 Keep us updated.

  25. Congratulations! That is so exciting!

  26. Congrats! I only have one and I think I'd be crazy to have another one right now. So scary!

    I'm so glad this is a great thing for you. Good luck!

  27. Oh,,, a new life!!!! Praise GOD!!!!
    With God's help, you can do it–and bask in His glory every step of the way (though they the way may be littered with dirty diapers and burp rags_)


  28. Thank you all for your many congratulations!!! (he!he!) I am very excited to be an Aunt again!!! Love you, Krissy!!! And you know my vote for a boy's name!!!! DO IT! It rocks!!! And please stop being mean to me over where we go to lunch! (stupid pregnancy hormones)
    -Aunt Kari (7 times over) 🙂

  29. CONGRATS! What a blessing! 🙂 I have 2 boys and can understand wanting a child of opposite gender, but loving the child with your whole heart no matter what. I too wanted to be done having kids by 30 years old. Good luck with the new little one on the way & congrats again!!!

  30. Congrats! We gave up after girl #3 – knew girls would prob be all we'd ever have! And I think the whole age thing is a good plan (before 30) since you have a big family. Younger = more energy!

  31. That's really exciting. I'm happy for you. Congratulations. I think large families are great. I have 4 kids, and it's a wonderful number. They have built in friends and partners for whatever.

  32. So exciting! A boy would be nice but a girl gets all the hand me downs….. :O) Blessings to you and your family!

  33. What a blessing! Congratulations!

    I'm so happy for you and your family. I hope the girls are thrilled with the prospect of a new arrival!

  34. Congratulations! That is wonderful. Best of luck!

  35. Congratulations!! Being a wife and mother are such high callings!! How exciting! Glad to hear you'll still be posting to your blog as your schedule allows! Have a fantastic and hopefully restful weekend!

  36. Yay! We can "suffer" together. lol… I'm so excited for you, this is wonderful news. I pray for the best for you and the baby during this pregnancy.

  37. Hi Krista –

    Yahoo! Congratulations! Children are a blessing from the Lord.

    Best news I've heard all day. I hope you'll keep us posted on your little one, as well as your writing.

    Susan 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 (Can you tell I'm smiling?)

  38. Krista!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I go away and live in a treehouse for a week and come home to the announcement that I was RIGHTTTTT! Yessss! I love, love, love being right! Woohoo girl!!!! That is the awesomest newest EVER! We are similar in our baby timing. I had my first at 20 and had my 4th at 30. 🙂 I will say, that boys are easier than girls…except in the potty training category. Don't EVEN get me started.

    I am thrilled for you and am praying for a healthy, happy baby..boy or girl…they are blessed to have you for a mommy. 🙂

  39. Awesome! Congrats!

    My daughter has 4 girls. Tonight we welcomed our first grandson! It's my step-son's first child.

    I'm happy for you and for me!

  40. Good gracious it has been hard to keep this under my hat, chick!!! 🙂

    Awww, you mentioned me in your blog. I'm honored. Yeah, I puke a lot. The latest tally is 23 pounds lost in these 12 1/2 weeks of pregnancy. Blech.

    I, too, wanted to be done by 30. I'll turn 30 on June 16, and this baby is due July 21. Cutting it close!

    I've already done the OMIGOSH! and Congratulations! thing, so now I'll just say, I am so stinkin' glad I don't have to keep your secret anymore! I thought I was gonna BUST! Love ya, girlie!

  41. Thanks everyone, for the well wishes! It was so fun to FINALLY be able to share it with everyone! The last month or so has been brutal for me keeping the secret!

  42. Oh, what wonderful news. Congratulations. And yes, there is a time for EVERYTHING.

  43. Congratulations! 🙂 I'm expecting Baby #2 and always love to hear about other prego moms. I hope your pregnancy continues to go well!

  44. Congratulations! Since you follow my blog, I'm sure you know that I find anyone having a baby exciting! Yay! I hope you feel better soon! Tip: keep crackers or something in the bathroom; when you "go" in the middle of the night have a nibble. It worked with my first one – the only one I really got sick with (thankfully). The key is to not let your stomach get totally empty.

  45. Not sure how I missed this, but CONGRATS!!!

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