It’s almost CHRISTMAS!!!!!


Yeah, we’re a bit excited here in the Phillips’ Household!

Cookies Galore!

We’ve done some baking… still have a bit more to do though. My first batch of sugar cookies were “unrollable” yesterday so I made another batch last night that we’ll bake this morning using a different recipe. Here’s to hoping they turn out better this time!!

OH OH OH! And along with my chocolate caramel filled cookies, we also made OREO TRUFFLES yesterday. We made these last year too, but I decided to be a wee bit creative this year and make MINT oreo truffles. Um. Yes. Let’s just say, we have a new Christmas yummy tradition!

Answered Prayer!
Annabelle had me worried yesterday. She was abnormally quiet yesterday evening when I put her to bed and just didn’t look herself. When I hooked her up to her monitor, her heart rate was a good 30 beats faster than she normally is. 
And I know from experience, a fast heart rate for Annabelle USUALLY is a very good indicator that her body is NOT feeling well. I would have understand if she was super wound up, but she wasn’t. She was almost lethargic.
All are NOT good signs.
So after tucking her in and putting on her oxygen, I knelt outside her door and prayed my heart out. Actually, most of my prayer went something like, “Please please please please please Jesus.” But God hears the groans of our hearts. He knew that I want nothing more than for my sweet daughter to be WELL this Christmas and my family together, at home. It is my most fervent Christmas wish. 
I’m super happy to report that she woke up this morning with a normal heart rate and acting her normal feisty self! 
Let there be BEARS!!!
A fun tradition in our household.
I, uh, like bears. Actually, only one kind of bear. I don’t like decorate with cute little bears or anything… I’m much more grown up than that.
Except… at Christmas!
Back in 1993, when I was 12 years old, My momma got me my FIRST Christmas bear. I’d always oohed and aahhhed over them in the stores, but she’d always noted them as frivolous. 
I was so over-the-moon excited about it that she kept up the tradition and gave me one every year until I was married. (Well, with the brief exception in 1996 when she thought she’d get a different kind of bear, which turned out to be a stuffed mouse….)
Then my hubby took over… And Christmas bears ended up taking over our house come each December since!
Lacy helped me put the bears in order of year for a “bear family” picture!
I now have TWENTY-THREE Christmas bears!!
(there are a few years in our early marriage my husband gave me whole SETS of bears… I have since requested only one per year since, well, bears add up!!!!)
Every year we have a super amount of fun putting out the bears and decorating the house with them. They are FUN because they are always the one fun Christmas decorations that are “yes touches” in my house and can be played with as much as the kiddos want!

What is one fun Christmas tradition YOU have?


  1. Merry Christmas!! So glad Annabelle is feeling better and that she is not sick! One of the tradition we have is my mom always makes sticky buns fur us to eat on Christmas morning. they are like cinimon rolls except not. I hope that you and your family have a great and blessed Christmas!!

  2. I wanted to stop by and let you know that "Sandwich" is on my Top 10 Reads of 2012!

    Hope you and your family have a safe, healthy and happy Christmas!

  3. We like to open one gift on Christmas Eve (a pair of new jammies) to wear to bed on Christmas Eve. Also, on our first Christmas with a child, my husband and I decided that we would not travel ON Christmas Day. That is our time with our children to spend at home. If grandparents want to come and spend the day with us, then come on over!! My husbands family always spent Christmas day with grandparents which transferred to us after we got married. It really didn't work out well and was just stressful…so that's one tradition I am happy to keep! Our children are 7, 5, 3, and 8 months so I feel like we are still working out our traditions 🙂 We may get rid of some and start new ones over the years just as long as I am providing my littles with some great memories.

    Merry Christmas!!

  4. Sandwich, with a side of romance
    by Phillips, Krista. Beaverton Murray Scholls Held (for 7 more days)
    Finally I can go pick up your book at the library! Yay! Our family tradition is cream crab on English muffins, and on my husband's side, omelets with whatever you wish in them. Both very yummy. Glad that Isabelle is ok! Merry Christmas!

  5. I totally meant Annabelle! 🙂

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