I know, I know, the economy is pretty crappy right now, money is tight and we all are feeling the strain to some degree. Even if you haven’t suffered any loss, there’s still that palpable fog in the air that is urging everyone to tighten their purse strings and keep a stronger grip on the ole wallet.
I would like to present to you one small bright spot in the current economy.
There are TONS of sales.
As an avid bargain shopper, I keep my eagle eye out on sales and clearances. I can smell one a block away.
Last week, JCPenny’s had their clearance stuff buy one get one free (off the clearance price). Now it’s just 75% off, but that’s still really good! I got Lacy 2 pairs of jeans for only $7.50 each.
And I went to Target the other day and got myself a pair of dress pants for $4.98 and a top (which I’m wearing as I type) for $4.98 too. So, for $10.88 (including tax) I was able to buy what would have normally cost me $45.00!
Word to the wise though:
Sales are dangerous. Too many times we buy because something is on sale. But let me tell you. If you buy ten pairs of jeans that are on sale for $10.00 each when you only needed one, then you are still paid for $90.00 in jeans that you didn’t need!
And that is my Saturday shopping tip of the week!