I’ve posted my writing goals for the year, but another component to goals should be more internal, non task oriented goals. Instead of wanting to ‘complete’ something, these goals are improvement goals.
I only have two of these, because more than the specific tasks, these are ongoing, always can use improvement type of things.
1.) Increase my knowledge of writing and publishing
Timeline: 12/31/09
-Attended at least one writer’s conference (Blue Ridge tentatively)
-Finish reading JSBell’s Books
-Pick one other writing related book and finish it
2.) Increase my visibility in the market (i.e. network)
Timeline: 12/31/09
-Blog an average of four days per week during months of February – October
-Be active on ACFW forums/email loops
-Participate in monthly local writer’s group meetings
-Identify and implement at least one new networking strategy
I attended my local writer’s group meeting today and we discussed… can you guess? Yes! 2009 Writing Goals! It seems that January is the month for goal making, and well it should be. It was great hearing everyone else’s goals, and nice to share my own to gain accountability with others.
We also spoke about the upcoming genesis contest which I hope to enter for the first time. The specs aren’t up yet on the contest, but I’m prayerfully considering my entry(s).
This wraps up my week of blogging on goals. Next week will be much funner as I report on my PROGRESS, and I have a few other fun blogs planned so stay tuned!