Over the last month or so, I’ve felt the prod to dip my toe back into blogging. Okay, maybe partially because I have a new design that makes me smile (’cause sparkles y’all,) but it was more than just that.

I’ve resisted a bit.

“I don’t have time,” I said.

“No one even COMES here anymore,” I said.

“What will I even WRITE about,” I said.

But those are all goofy excuses. If God is prodding you to do something, all the excuses and “good reasons” in the world aren’t valid enough to tell him no.

I don’t plan to blog daily (the thought makes me want to curl up and cry.) In fact, I’m not even gonna say “posting every Monday!” cause I probably won’t. (although I might…) It’ll average once a week, I’d guess.

And no one will EVER come here if I’m not writing anything, so I’m kinda shooting myself in the foot with that second one.

And So. Many. Times. I get an idea that I’m like “Ohhh, that would make a GREAT blog post” but I never write it.

So this is my outlet to write those things.

It will be similar to how I’ve always blogged. A little bit of life-of-a-writer stuff, a little bit of life-of-a-mom stuff, a lot of life-as-a-Jesus-Lover stuff, most laced with tongue-in-cheek humor that I’m a super big fan of.

So hold on to your seat, folks. Krista’s blogging again!!!


Cause who doesn’t like a good giveaway, right?

EVERYONE who is subscribed to my blog (meaning it will notify you via email when I post a new blog… since I’m not going to be on a set schedule against pretty much the advice of ALL industry professionals– cause I’m a REBEL ya know… ) anyway, everyone who is a current subscriber as of 10/1/17 will be entered to WIN one of TWO prizes.

Prize 1:
$25 Amazon gift card

A cool “journey” mug (‘Cause.. Finding Joy in the JOURNEY…get it??)

DR PEPPER Jelly Beans (Yes, you read that right)

Some other fun things I find to throw in.
Your choice of ONE of my books

Prize 2: 
Your choice of ONE of my books

(If you choose The Engagement Plot, it will be an advanced reader copy!)

To subscribe to the blog, you can 1.) post a comment here and click the box to get posts emailed to you OR 2.) click here and scroll down to the bottom of the page and enter your info there!

BONUS ENTRY: Want to have TWO entries? Subscribe to my NEWSLETTER too! Current AND new newsletter subscribers will also get an entry! (Click here to subscribe)

So, I’m officially back to blogging. (To be fair, I never really left. I still blog once a monthly over on the inspyromance blog and every-once-in-a-while on The Writer’s Alley) But I’m back to it on my OWN site and now that I’ve officially announced it, I’m kinda excited to see what God does with it!

Let’s Chat! Cause blogging is MUCH more fun when people comment.

1.) I’d love to know who is here reading! Introduce yourself!

2.) Dr Pepper jelly beans — enticing — or not-so-much? Favorite Jelly Bean flavor??




  1. Hi! I haven’t read any of your books yet but have heard much about them so I’m ready to get started!

    I love Dr. Pepper so I must try these Jelly Beans….

    1. Confession: I haven’t tried the Dr Pepper jelly beans either! But I LOVE LOVE me some Dr Pepper!! LOL

  2. I haven’t had the pleasure of reading any of your books yet. I have recently ventured out and looking for authors I haven’t read. I love Jelly Bellys my favorite flavor right now is popcorn so Dr Pepper should mix well. Have a great day.

    1. It’s such fun to read new-to-us authors, isn’t it??

      Ohhhh Popcorn jelly beans! YUM!!!!!

  3. Looking forward to your blogs and can’t wait to read your new book!!

    1. Thanks, Patti!!!!!

  4. thanks for the fun giveaway ^_^

    1. You’re welcome!! 🙂

  5. Hi, KP! Just from that, you know who I am! 🙂 I think the Dr. Pepper jelly beans would be good! My favorite flavor is Jelly Belly Toasted Marshmallow.

    1. I don’t think I’ve had a toasted marshmellow jelly bean!!! Must try!!! (and yes, I knew EXACTLY who you were, LOL!)

  6. Hola!

    I like DP jelly beans. They are good with the popcorn ones. I don’t really have a favorite. Sometimes I like the sour ones.

    1. You can take the sour ones… I’ll take the sweet ones… HAHAHA

      You are the second person to mention Dr pepper and popcorn jelly beans together… I MUST TRY THIS NOW!!!!

  7. I have read several of your books and have enjoyed them all. Thank you for the new blog posts.

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed them, Patsy!!

  8. I always enjoy reading your “stuff”. Of course, I’m slightly partial to those daughters you sometimes mention and that great husband of yours. But I truly like the way you write. The humor and spiritual truths are my ‘cup of tea’. I have had my copy of your new book preordered for a while now. Looking forward to reading it!!!

    1. LOL thanks!!! I’m quite partial to those daughters of mine too!!!

  9. I have all of your current books and love them and your humor. Originally, I started reading your blog when Annabelle was born. To see how far she has come is a miracle for sure. Looking forward to your blog posts again.

    1. Pam, thanks so much!!! She is DEFINITELY a miracle and we’re so, so thankful!!!!

  10. I love your books, Krista, and can’t wait to read “The Engagement Plot!” And yes, Dr. Pepper and Buttered Popcorn jellybeans are the best!

    1. Thanks, Vee!!! Now I’m craving popcorn jellybeans!!!

  11. Hello Krista! I haven’t had a chance to read any of your books yet; but I will 🙂 I promise!
    Dr Pepper jelly beans…hm…I would say – enticing. I love them all…with normal flavors, lol (not the BeanBoozled line)

    1. I am a mean mom. I REFUSE to play beanboozled with my kids. That’s daddy’s job, HAHAHA!!!

  12. Hey Krista! I’ve not yet had the pleasure of reading your books. I have a friend that loves Dr. Pepper JellyBellys! Thank you for the fun giveaway.

    1. Thanks for stopping by!! I love “meeting” new-to-me readers!

  13. I have read all you books, some twice and just bought the latest 3pk for the awesome price of 99cents on my Kindle app. I am looking forward to reading the Engagement Plot!
    I don’t like the Dr pepper jelly beans but the popcorn flavored ones rock!
    My question for you is: How is Annabelle? I’ve been following you for years, i guess since she was born! I’ve laughed, cried, and prayed with you and for all of your family as you’ve gone on this journey. May God bless this you continuously.

    1. Rebecca, you totally made me smile!! And thanks for asking about Annabelle! She is doing FABULOUS! She’s seven now and in 1st grade. She needs a little extra help and still has lots of doctors visits, but we’re so incredibly thankful for how far she’s come!!! We’re looking at most likely 2 surgeries in the next year… one on her eyes (she has a lazy eye that is refusing to correct) and another on her ears (most likely… she has 6 sets of ear tubes under her belt and still gets fluid caught up there which effects her hearing) But those are minor compared to what she has gone through!

  14. How have I never heard of Dr Pepper Jelly Beans before?! You’ve just opened my world to a whole new wonder. (And you know me, so hi! *waves*)

    1. Confession: I haven’t had them either. But I WANT to. I ordered two bags of them from Amazon when I ordered the bag for the giveaway… one to keep and one for the giveaway. HA!

  15. Dr Pepper jelly beans are not enticing to me but Root Beer flavored jelly beans would be. This weekend I read all three of your Sandwich romance novellas. I’d read A Side of Faith before but went ahead and re-read it anyway. I’d read Sandwich with a Side of Romance awhile back. I enjoyed all of them. I’m looking forward to reading The Engagement Plot.

    1. Confession: I’m not 100% sure how I’m going to feel about them either. But hey, it’s Dr Pepper, so I’m gonna give it a try, ha!

      I’m so glad you enjoyed them, Pam!!!!!

  16. I have purchased some of your books because they really piqued my interest. BUT I haven’t read them yet. My to read list is so long but that is no excuse, right?! 😀

    I love Dr Pepper but a bit skeptical about the flavor in jelly beans coming close.

    1. Oh my goodness, my TBR pile is OVER FLOWING, so I know well the feeling!!!!

  17. I’m already subscribed to your newsletter, but can’t figure out where I’m supposed to subscribe to your blog unless it is to click the “Notify me of new posts via email” that just showed up at the bottom of the “leave a reply” box. (I clicked it)

    1. Yup, that signed you up!!! Thanks, Becky!!!

  18. Guess I’m already a subscriber 🙂 The only brand of jelly beans I like are Jelly Bellys, and I love almost all of them (except black licorice). My favorite are buttered popcorn and juicy pear, but I’ll take anything! I don’t think I’ve tried Dr Pepper ones, but they sound good.

    I’m an avid reader and I may even have one or more of your books on my Kindle, I’d have to look. All I do know is I have way too many to read in my lifetime (ebook and physical copies)…lol!

    1. I just did the “Notify me of new comments via email” 🙂

    2. LOL yes if the blog got emailed to you, then you already subscribed!! 🙂 🙂 I don’t think I’ve had juicy pear jelly beans before!!!

  19. Enjoyed all of your books, can’t wait for the new one!

    1. Aw, thanks, Norma! Your comment made my day 🙂

  20. I’m one of your biggest fans!! I love your books!! They are so enjoyable!! And I love you too!!! Glad you’re back!!! PS I think tomorrow is the
    Anniversary of the day we met …… and got skunked ??

    1. OH MY GOODNESS!!! That skunk story is epic!!! What fond memories of my first ACFW! I was so lost and scared but going with your mom and Joan was a SUPER big help!!! (That was the year an agent told me by story idea was boring and that I should write about bird watching instead…. Some day I might JUST out of spite…. muhahaha!!)

  21. I’m eagerly looking forward to your next book! AND the blogs! ? Sign me up, please. Thanks!

    1. I think you’re all signed up yourself 🙂 Yeah! THANKS!!!!

  22. Ooh, I would love to win! Thanks for the opportunity!

    1. You’re welcome!!

  23. Love Dr. Pepper jelly bellys.

    1. I have officially tried them as well, and I have to agree! Yum!!

  24. Excited to see you blogging again!

    1. Thanks, Kristi!!! I’m super excited about it too!!!

  25. You had me at Dr Pepper Jelly Bellys! I’m a Dr Pepper lover. I’ll be looking forward to your blogs, Krista!

    1. Yeah! Thanks Winnie!!!!! #drpepperloversUNITE

  26. I love the purple sparkles in your blog! ?I also appreciate how you intertwine your faith with your writing. I am looking forward to The Engagement Plot!

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