Today marks FIVE years since my debut novel, Sandwich, with a Side of Romance, released.

FIVE years since I “gave birth” to my first book baby.

It was a cute little PINK Christian romance. And yeah, it had a lot of funny sandwich metaphors in it.

I remember feeling completely and utterly clueless and out of my element. ME? A published author? Wha..??

If I’m honest, I STILL feel that way. Before your book is published, you spend years dreaming of *that day* when your book is officially out in the world.

Before your book is published, you spend years dreaming of *that day* when your book is officially out in the world.

Then one day, something amazing happens it happens, you feel like the most incompetent person on the planet. Or, well, maybe that was just me.

That feeling has only magnified. It reminds me of my journey with Jesus. The closer I walk with him, the greater perspective I have on just how BIG he is and how SMALL I am. The more I understand about him, the more I see just how much I still have to learn.

The same goes with publishing. My perspective five years later is much different. I know SO MUCH MORE, yet as I crest each mountaintop, the view of how much is left to learn is vast.

These last five years have seen me switch literary agents, independently publish 6 novellas, and sign a new contract for my next novel that releases in November. (The Engagement Plot — EEE! I’m just a little excited!) So here is to the next five years of this publishing journey. My prayer is that they are full of good books that bring laughter, bring joy, and most of all point people to the true joy-giver, Jesus.




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