I’m forgiving myself for not having a “normal” blog post this week for a few reasons:

18 years and counting!! #myman

1.) Monday was my anniversary! I spent it hanging out with my man instead of on a blog. I think that’s a good enough excuse right there!!!! (18 years — WOW!)

2.) Monday also happened to be the day I was assigned to blog at inspyromance.com. I blogged about my man. I thought it appropriate. (It was prescheduled… )

3.) WINNERS!! I have winners to announce so I thought THAT would be a good post for today!

A HUGE congrats to Veronica and Jackie on their win!!

(You were each sent an email from me–if there are more than one Veronica or Jackie, my apologies!)





  1. Congratulations on 18!

  2. Cynthia St. Germain


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