Put Annabelle down for nap early today because of our appointment to (hopefully) get her cast off.
Went in a little while later to check on her, and this is what I found:
You see, Annabelle has taken to sitting up in bed. I’d found her sitting up this morning when I went to get her up. So… evidently she’d sat up, then couldn’t figure out how to lay back down (her current irritation) so just laid forward and fell asleep.
I don’t know about you, but this looks OH so uncomfortable.
I was nice and laid her down… AFTER I took a few pictures:-)
I was LOL before I opened the link..That's too cute! Working with a bunch of babies, I've seen this happen so very often 🙂 Hope she gets that yucky cast off. Maybe then the lying down part will come easier.
Ahhhh! I still think it's cute, if not a bit uncomfortable. 😉