I took drastic measures to try to lose weight this week.

I cut my hair.

But… it didn’t work. *sigh* I thought those three to four inches (maybe more) would amount to at LEAST a pound… but alas. Good hair gone for nothing. (I’m kidding… I really did want to get it cut much shorter!)

Regardless, I’m not weighing in this week. I’m probably even, maybe up a half pound, but blah. Conference is next week, I’m busier than all get out, and dieting is NOT something I have time for. Still, I’m trying to watch my portions and not overdo it, but that’s about it until after conference.

So… if you see a girl walking around conference looking slightly blue but almost skinny, it’s me. I’m just sucking in and holding my breath.

If anyone else is up for it, I’m going to continue after conference… and start again at zero!

Discussion: For those of you on the Fat Friday Challenge, give me your progress! If you’re going to ACFW… Are you ready???? Everyone else… What are your plans for the weekend? Or you can tell me how flippin’ awesome my hair is… (TOTALLY KIDDING!!!!! Okay, it WAS flippin’ awesome yesterday for the rest of the day after it was cut… but when it’s up to ME to do it… yeah, it goes downhill from there!)



  1. Very cute hair cut, Krista!! I think I'm almost ready for the conference. Still have to print out some business cards, but otherwise I just need to pack and get myself on the airplane! I can't believe it's come upon us so quickly!!

  2. Awesome hair, Krista! And you are going to have such a great time at conference!!

    I've been walking and jogging. I don't think I've lost weight, but I'm getting firmer. Can't beat that!

  3. Krista, I love your new hair. It looks chic! (I'm with Jody.)

    You will do great at ACFW, so relax and have a good time. I can't go this year so I'm so envious of you…:)

    One way to visibly lose weight is to wear your best colors and find cuts of clothing that give you "lines." Also, try about 3 days of eating oatmeal for breakfast, 5 small meals of only fruits and veggies, 2 cups of yogurt a day.(Cut bread, potatoes, sugars.) That should jumpstart a few pound-loss and gear you up.

    It's going to be a great conference!

  4. Hey, KP. I'm blah today because after two weeks of kick-butt weight loss, I'm up 0.8 this week. 🙁 I've eaten the right things, ridden my bike, everything! Grrr… Hopefully it's only cycle-related, ya know?

    Anyway, I LOVE your hair. That's my favorite length for you. How does Scott like it?

  5. Your hair is cute. I love a bob.

    I'm off to my SCBWI revision retreat in a few hours. Hope yours next weekend is fantastic!

  6. I should join this Fat Friday group through my Nourishmentforbodyandsoul blog. Will head over there and post in just a minute.

    Like your hair by the way, and would you believe it I did that a couple years back wondering if I'd see a change in the scale too. LOL

    Almost ready for conference. I'm hurriedly reading one last book for a comparative analysis on my book proposal, and then I'll start printing everything. And packing, and meal prep for family…okay, maybe I'm not quite so ready yet afterall.

  7. Hi Krista –

    I like the haircut!

    LOL! When getting weighed, I remove my watch and jewelry, hoping it will make a difference. (It doesn't.)

    Susan 🙂

  8. I agree with the others so far – cute hair cut.

    As to getting ready for the conference, I'm wrapping up a few polishing details today and then plan to print out all those copies (one sheets, proposal, first chapter)on Monday. My main goal between now and next Wednesday is to pray, sleep … and kick the cold that hijacked my allergies.

    See you in less than a week!

  9. "So… if you see a girl walking around conference looking slighly blue but almost skinny, it's me. I'm just sucking in and holding my breath." – totally cracked me up! The hair looks great!

    Have a great time at the conference!

  10. Your so cute! Yes the hair rocks. I'm still praying for my conference blogging buddies. I wish I could come and hang out! What a blast you are going to have!!!!

  11. I adore the hair cut!!!

    Super cute 🙂

  12. Too cute cut, Krista!! (say that 5 times fast…) I just cut my hair too and I have to say it's adorable.

    I'm ready for conference!!!! I'm fighting the urge to go ahead and start packing.

  13. LOVE the hair, girl! Soooo cute! I hope you don't mind I borrowed your title today. I thought since I've been sharing my cranky pants, maybe you would be willing to share your title for a day! lol

    I'm starting today. ZERO. I have done well today, though I am really hungry right now. (which I really hate) But, I'm letting my hair grow longer and I'm hoping it will look good with my new slimmer self.

  14. I LOVE your hair! Uber cute!! And your comment about looking blue and skinny had me cracking up. Can't wait to meet you! And no, I'm not ready. I hope to be after this weekend though!

  15. I've made a decision.

    After about the twentieth shopping trip (all WITH my cranky kids) looking for "the dress" I've given up.

    THere is nothing that I like that looks remotely good on me. (Let me rephrase.. nothing that I like, look good in, and wouldn't give my bank account a heart attack)

    So, I've decided to wear last year's dress. And although I really didn't want to at first, I'm kinda excited about it, and cool with it. AND it's taken this stupid bit of stress (Yes, I know I shouldn't stress about clothes!) off of me.

    Now, on to more important things!

    Like, THANKS for all the complements on my hair. I FEEL lighter… that counts for something right?

  16. Love the blue comment. Cute haircut. And as for plans, my son has his first soccer game of the season tomorrow.

  17. love the short 'do. 🙂

    looking forward to meeting you!

    how'd everyone do on the national payroll week quiz?

    The Character Therapist

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