*gulp* It’s almost time. One week and a few days left. Is anyone else approaching panic mode?

I AM! I’m not ready. I have things to do and I look at my calendar and don’t see enough free moments in which to get them done. My heart beats faster, and beads of sweat pop out of my skin at random. My kids aren’t happy, because I’m getting a little snippy at times in my panic to get everything ready. My husband isn’t happy, because I order him around and He can’t understand why I’m EXCITED to go shopping for socks, toothpaste and underwear. (I don’t know why he needs new underwear before we go on a trip… just seems like the thing to do.)

In my rush to get everything in order and be SUPER WONDER KRISTA WOMAN, I am realizing I forgot the biggest, most important, most meaningful part of conference preparation.


I didn’t really forget it. I’ve known all along that I SHOULD be doing it, but with trying to prepare, and the whole thing with my dad, my prayers have just been focused elsewhere lately.

So this week, I am going to try and settle down. Even though I see a laundry list of things that have to be done, my goal is to put time with God as my #1 priority.

A few specifics I’ll be praying for (but not limited to these of course!):

  1. YOU. That you’ll put God first as well, and for those going to the conference, prayer for safe travels and stress-less preparations.
  2. Time. Seriously, I have none. Or very little anyway. And I have a TON TO DO! So, I’ll be praying that God help me use my time wisely, that I can prioritize well and not be wasteful.
  3. My nerves. As much as I try to sound all confident… I’m really far from it. I look in the mirror most every day and have to physically restrain myself from listing all the reasons I should fail at this, all the things that are wrong with me. My nerves get the best of me and cause me to look at the negative. They also give me the WORST stomach ache ever. UGH.
  4. Pitching. This is the part I’m stressing over the most. Like breathing into a brown paper bag, stressing. HE HE HOOOOOOOO. Bring on the Lamaze breathing!
  5. GOD’S WILL TO BE DONE. As much as I have a lot of hopes, dreams, and aspirations for this conference, more than ANYTHING I want God’s will to prevail. In the words of Jesus, “Not my will, but thy will, be done.”

Discussion: What are YOU praying for today?



  1. Ah, Krista, you're going to do so great! You have an awesome one sheet. You've already been to a conference and know what to expect. You know lots of people and have a great network in place. And you have excellent business cards! Now just make sure the first 15 pages of the MS you're pitching is polished, polished, polished. Because that's what will sell you.

    It is a LOT to do before leaving! And I'm so glad you put prayer as a priority!

  2. Prayer is really the BEST thing you can do to prepare. God's will. Go get 'em tiger!
    ~ Wendy

  3. Krista, you can do this and you can do this well! God will be with you! I pray that he orders your steps and helps you accomplish all that you need to get done beforehand… and that he gives you peace! I hope you have a lot of fun at the conference!

  4. Have a fantastic time! I read something in a doctor's office recently about using music to boost confidence. Find "your song", something that gets you excited and loosens you up. Don't laugh. Mine's "My Sharona". It's so silly and fun, I can't help but be myself.

    Think your song to get you in your true state of mind. God has given you the talent, you've done the hard work, now go meet 'em as your confident self and let your work shine!

  5. Krista, I'm praying for you! And all my blogging buddies that God's will be done and representation abound! What is the exact day? I'm curious. Also, are you getting together with some of the bloggers that are going? I imagine that would be a BLAST!

  6. we all need this reminder, so thanks for helping put things in perspective!

    Where Romance Meets Therapy

  7. Krista! Krista! Krista! That's me cheering 😛 You are a fantastic writer (judging from your blog) and I think you will do great! P.S. I always buy new underwear when I go on trips too…so that made me laugh out loud! 🙂

  8. I'm right there with ya, Krista! I'm polishing my one sheet and my MS, but I'm most nervous about the pitching.

    I'm also uber-excited, though. I finally get to meet friends, lots of friends, and some business contacts–so yay to that!

    Like you, I am simply praying for God's will, and for Him to grant His comfort and strength.

    Be blessed today!

  9. Wonderful post … and good luck with everything!!!!

  10. What a great reminder. I pray about the time thing a lot. That I wouldn't waste what precious little I have.

    Praying for you and everybody else attending the conference! Can't wait to meet ya!!

  11. Hi Krista –

    I agree that prayer is the most important preparation. You've done your homework, and you'll be fine.

    Susan 🙂

  12. THANK YOU everyone! I appreciate your prayers and encouragement! I'm okay… I didn't mean for it to sound like I was spazzing out… although I AM having my moments of self-doubt! But God is SO much bigger than them… and I'm resting in him!

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