On Tuesday nights, I go to a Ladies’ Bible study each week. LOVE Bible study… haven’t gone to one in years so when our pastor’s wife started it a few months ago, and it was actually on the ONE night a week that I could go… yeah, I was excited!

Anywho, one of the verses in this week’s reading that I’d taken note of, as did another lady, was Psalm 27:14 (NLT):

“Wait patiently for the LORD.
Be brave and courageous.
Yes, wait patiently for the LORD.”

Love how God sandwiched it for me! 🙂

This is TOTALLY an oxymoron to my normal thinking.

I’ve never really equated being brave and courageous to waiting patiently. Being brave has always mean taking that leap of faith, taking that step into the unknown and going and slaying scary dragons.

But I realized as I read the verse last week, that sometimes NOT taking a step is more brave and courageous than taking steps.

Especially if those dragons are running full force toward you and God is sitting there saying, “No… wait for it… wait for it…” until your eyebrows are singled from the fire blasting from the over-sized reptile’s mouth….

For someone who has a love of “fixing” problems like I do… it is easy for me to want to step and knock it out of the park and get it done. I can KILL that dad gum dragon with God’s help… Let’s DO THIS! WOOT!!!!

Sorry… got carried away for a second…

I look back at my life and realize that I’ve taken some pretty “stupid” steps of faith because it was the brave and courageous thing to do, and people around me frowned at it on more than one occasion.

Some of those WERE brave and things God had called me to do.

But some of them were just plain idiotic and most likely left God shaking his head saying, “What in the world are you thinking, my crazy child?”

So, in trying to grasp this new-to-me concept, God brought this fabulous analogy to my brain that I shared with the ladies of our group.

They may or may not have laughed at me. (laughed with much love, I’m sure!)

Ya see, it reminds of me Walker, Texas Ranger.

During the day, I frequently have the TV on when I’m not listening to music because, well, I’m used to working around people and being home with a silent house is just not fabulous to me. So at 2:00pm, stupid “mywifehadsexwithmybrothersbestfriend’sroommateandiaintthebabydaddy” shows come on… so I turn it to one of the few other channels that actually comes on (we are no-cable-super-cheap people…) and unless Baseball is playing (then the TV gets turned OFF) I do my work with Walker, Texas Ranger rockin’ it out, beatin’ up them bad guys in the background.

One thing I’ve learned about Walker aka Chuck is that he has totally learned the value of PATIENCE.

He doesn’t run in guns blazing, ready to shoot the first person who moves. He almost NEVER makes the first move. He just calmly tells them they are going to jail… they NEVER like that so try to beat him up, and we ALL know how that ends. But I think he does this to assess the situation, and always have the calm upper hand. He waits until the time is RIGHT, until he is prepared and calm and can just take those bad guys DOWN.

Here’s a prime example of one such scene… (the nose thing at the end is, IMHO, just amazingly hilarious)

So… here’s to channeling our inner Walker, Texas Ranger, waiting patiently on God to say GO, and being brave and courageous in the mean time.

Let’s Chat!

Do you have a time you’ve had to wait patiently for God? How’d it turn out?

Or we can totally just talk about how awesome Chuck Norris is. LOL!


1 Comment

  1. So glad you posted this! This verse is JUST what I needed today. My husband just found out Friday that the company he works for is closing and everyone will be laid off effective June 8th. I know God is in control and has a plan for my husband and our family, but this is stressful, and I want to be "working a plan"— only we don't have a plan, yet. 😉 So hears to being brave AND patient! Thanks for the encouragement!
    In HIM,
    Jennifer Scruggs

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