I used to be one of those people that loved to take big honkin’ steps, you know leaping around and hurrying to do everything and accomplishing BIG things.

I still hurry… that’s just who I am.

But now I am a lover of baby steps, especially with Annabelle. Mostly because Annabelle has proven that big steps aren’t her cup of milk.

This week has been full of baby steps. Trying to ease off her oxygen, sometimes having to ease back up. We went on a short “walk” the other day to the quiet room for just a few minutes. Not too much to overtax her, but enough to get her out of her room. We also did a swallow study today, and she got approved to start “trying” to work on eating. We will be going VERY VERY slow though, starting with smelling, then little tastes, as she is not too pleased about the whole eating idea.

In Other News

Scott and I have also taken another baby step in the last few weeks. Well, it’s actually a pretty big step, but I’m viewing it as a baby one to make me feel better:-)

In September after my maternity leave, I went back to work, and my job was OH so very kind to let me work odd hours to get my job done, and has been so supportive through all of this with Annabelle.

However, my FMLA leave expired last week. (I was taking a part-time leave prior to her transplant, but haven’t worked much since the transplant as I felt Annabelle needed me here.)

So, I’m officially without a job. *gulp*

Now, my work has been tremendously understanding of the situation, so I will be working on a contract basis for a few months to help transition the department (I was the payroll manager) as well as working on projects, so we won’t be completely without income at least on the short-term. And they are letting me do this remotely, so I can work from home/hospital, too.

I have two very different sets of feelings on all this.

The first, I’ll be honest, is gut-wrenching fear. Throughout Annabelle’s hospital stay, while money hasn’t been growing from trees due to my reduced hours, it was one thing I wasn’t “worried” about. But now, there is a big question mark in the future. I’ve had a ton of question marks over the last year, and I STILL don’t like them! But God knows the answer to our questions, and HE is in control. So while I’m scared, I’m still trusting in Him.

The second is thankfulness. I’ve been praying, begging, God to let me be home for a long time, well before Annabelle. While I knew there was no way Scott and I could make ends meet without me working, my heart yearned to be able to stay home with my kiddos. But when Annabelle was born, the feeling overwhelmed me. So even if it is just in the short term, I’m thankful that God took the decision out of my hands, has allowed me to still add some funds to pay bills, and give me at least a period of time where I can focus on being a wife and a mom and a caregiver to Annabelle.

One further note:

Without detailing our finances to you, Scott and I worked really hard a few years ago (THANKS Dave Ramsey!) to pay off our cars and credit cards and build up our emergency fund. This was a huge God thing too, as we both had an urgency to do so, and I’m SO thankful that we listened and buckled down. So while all this is scary, we’re okay… for at least a little bit. We are a walking advertisement for the Total Money Makeover, why you should get your finances in order BEFORE something devastating happens like a lost job.

Prayer Requests

Prayers for our discernment on what God wants us to do about finances/jobs etc are appreciated, and specifically for my husband as he starts to look for a full-time job! (he currently works part-time in the evenings.)

For Annabelle, please pray that we are able to continue to wean from her oxygen as well, hopefully to OFF, so we can go home… maybe next week???

Oh, and GOOD news! Annabelle’s friend, Anna Reese, made it out of the ICU now too! Continued prayers that she can go home soon (maybe as early as next week!!!!) are appreciated!

Not sure you get a smile bigger than that one!!!!

Daddy’s phone pic… sorry for the dark… but this is Annabelle with barium cream all over her mouth during her swallow study! She wasn’t quite amused. 

 Rockin’ her new Minnie Mouse PJ’s!

Snuggling with Momma at bed time! Momma’s snuggle bug!



  1. She's too precious..Looks like she feels a lot better with that big ole grin! Praying it all works out for you guys ~ Lis

  2. Yea for baby steps!

    Have you looked into Medicaid for Annabelle? …or various state waivers? (maybe for all the children?) You may even be eligible to for in home help – not nursing unless the Dr says so!

  3. Beverley… we aren't worried about insurance just yet, and Annabelle is on the state medicare while she is in the hospital as secondary insurance. Unsure yet if that will continue once we are discharged though. And we are continuing insurance through COBRA… but obviously we don't want to rely on that for more than a few months:-)

  4. You bet we will be praying for your family's finances and trusting God's hand of provision for you!

    And for sweet Annabelle that she wean off the oxygen for good and can come home! And for Anna Reese too. 🙂

  5. Krista, have you put in an application for Annabelle to get SSI? We have been getting that for Simon and it has helped tremendously! I know with the HLHS diagnosis he qualified and it was a significant amount (would be for you too since we both have 4 kids). Just a thought 🙂

  6. Wow.. a month already after her transplant?! Way to to baby girl! 🙂 We will keep praying for you all. Annabelle's and the kids smiles are just so amazing and precious!

    Krista, I can't wait until you do have the time to publish a book. Maybe about your life & kids? 🙂 Form of income, you know!

    On a personal note: I remember that it bothered me to not be bringing any income at all. As small, as it may of gotten once bed rest started. Contributing financially no more seemed to be a bigger issue for me. I don't think it bothered Dave at all. Now, with the triplets, I am too busy to think about it. Kinda like you will be once you guys go home! 🙂 I only feel it once in awhile when I don't have that funds in the baby fund that is small extra cash for parking,lunch, baby needs on the run.

    Congrats to Anna Reese on going home! Praying muches for the transition for the family.

  7. Snuggling with Mommy … nothing can beat that! 🙂

    Just a thought … maybe you can put all your blogs together and have them published.

    Praynig all will go well, health- and financial wise.

  8. Praying for you! God WILL see you through, you just have to keep trusting. You are an amazing example for Him. 🙂

  9. Aw, I love that snuggle bug picture.

    And wow, what an awesome thing that God prompted you to be debt free before this came about. Praying you guys keep trusting as He guides your next steps.

  10. Annabelle is just looking better and better. Looking forward to hearing that you're home and praying for God's blessings and provision for you.

  11. Oh, I love that smile picture! I'm so glad she's improving even if it's baby steps.

    When my husband was in the hospital, one of their social workers helped us a great deal. We were able to get some assistance with medical bills. You might want to make an appointment with the hospital's social worker.

    Praying for your situation, as well as Miss Annabelle's health.

    Susan 🙂

  12. Love the pics! I'm glad you are getting in some snuggle time.

    Isn't God awesome in the way He works out the details for things to prepare us for future events, even though we might not realize it at the time, (like the Dave Ramsey thing)? I'll pray for you but I know God will provide and direct you if you continue to seek Him.

    Glad to hear the good news about Annabelle Reese, too.

    We continue to pray.

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