A brief moment off the vent at 3 weeks old… She was put back on soon after.

It’s day #4 of CHD Awareness Week!

I thought… what was more perfect than to show my little CHDer making some HUGE developmental steps??? Our little babies get so far behind from being in the hospital, some more than others. But with a lot of hard work (and therapists!) they’ll catch up!!!

This was at PT yesterday. Unfortunately I just had my phone so the video quality is NOT what I would have wanted for this amazing moment….

But it will have to do!

(Oh, and Skinny Friday will resume next week… my scale has decided to not tell me my weight. Instead, it’s just trying to boost my confidence by saying LO every time I step on it. My husband says it’s because the battery needs changing… but I think my scale just loves me that much that it is saying, “Honey, your weight is getting so LO I can hardly tell you’re on here!” And that’s my story and I’m stinkin’ to it!)

Oh, and don’t forget to pray for our CHD kiddos (and adults!!!) If you haven’t added to my list, or want to comment committing to praying this week, click here!



  1. How exciting to see Annabelle stepping out!

  2. Yay!! How fun to see her "catch up"!!

  3. Such a clever Girl!!!! Well done Annabelle!! Krista i love that you can hear you holding in your excitement til she gets to the end so as not to distract her – I'm sure you wanted to burst with pride!

    1. Chels… holy cow I was holding my breath too!!! If it hadn't been for the fact that the camera would go crazy, I would have jumped up and down and screamed 🙂 (that, and I would have scared Annabelle and the other kiddos in the room, HA HA!)


  5. GO ANNABELLE GO!!!! This brought tears to my eyes. My nephew is quite behind and we haven't pinpointed why. It feels so good to see that there is hope!

  6. Wow, that is so heartwarming! Go Annabelle, go!

  7. YAY!!!!! thats sooo exciting!!!!!!

  8. Oh how adorable to see her walk! I got tears in my eyes.

  9. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness … oh my GOODNESS … she walking!!!! I can't stop watching that little video. Way to go, girl!

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