I’m holding my breathe today… hoping that Annabelle will NOT hold hers and will breathe really really good today!

She was extubated yesterday around 4 in the afternoon. I got back to the hospital that night and she was still doing well. Her and I rocked for a good hour or more and I LOVED LOVED snuggling with my baby. She desatted once in my arms, and we almost put her back, but she came back down again so we left her there.

Overnight, she did good. She had one blood gas that had not-so-great numbers, but the next one was good. This morning though, they got a gas and her CO2’s were 90. They intubated last Monday when they got up to 84 (they are usually in the 60’s to low 70’s for her.) We all decided that since she’d JUST gotten her sedation meds right before, and she’d been REALLY sleepy when they got the gas, that we’d give her an hour and get another one. If it was better, then we’d let her keep trying. If not, then back in would the tube go.

It ended up being 83, so while that is still a pretty bad level, it shows that she is moving in the right direction. We like that.

This said, please continue to pray for my Annabelle today, that she stays breathing-tube-less, that her numbers are stellar, and that Mommy doesn’t wear a hole in the tile from her pacing.

Mommy and Annabelle, rocking away! 

Annabelle loves her bow that her nurse attached to the CPAP mask. It makes the mask MUCH more tolerable for her… *grin*

Snoozing away… Mommy was trying to wake her up so she’d remember to take good breathes!

Mommy succeeded in making her wake up. She was not thrilled at the interruption. (but her dolly was trying to cheer her up…)


  1. Oooh, poor baby.

    But SO good to see her without so many wires and tubes! Praying she grows stronger by the minute!! 🙂

  2. I'm praying that your little princess continues to breathe well so you can breathe easier.

    I love the bow¡

  3. Praying for you guys!

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