One Month and Two Days till Book Release day!!!

Or, more aptly, 33 more days!
Or… even more specifically…
Check out my new countdown widget on my sidebar! 🙂

I’m officially in panic… er… preperation… mode for book release! I have a BILLION and one things to do, on top of getting the kids ready to start school back soon (I need a countdown widget for THAT too!) , on top of having a billion and one doctor’s appointments for my kiddos coming up.

In celebration and anticipation of the release of Sandwich, with a Side of Romance (and to make sure I’m not completely overwhelming and boring you with book stuff on every post!), my Monday posts the month of August will have a Sandwich theme. Whether they are fun tidbits about the book, little teasers, or maybe even a book giveaway, Monday’s are now Sandwich blog days for the next month! EEEEEE!!!

A BUNCH of people have asked me questions about things from my book to my blog, and I haven’t had time to answer them all, so I thought today I’d go through and tie up some loose Krista-ends.


Back in January I asked for you to email me if you were interested in being an influencer for Sandwich. I saved each of those emails, as I found out the list wasn’t “due” until, well, now:-) So if you emailed me then, you’ll be receiving an email from me soon making sure you’d still like to be on the list!


A lot of people have asked how they can help with spreading the word for my book.

Official influencers will be given a list of ideas, but for everyone else, here are some super easy suggestions that would put a smile on any writer’s face.

*note* ALL authors depend on readers for help in getting the word out about their books. If you read a book you love by any author, these are super cool things you can do to help support said author and make sure you get to read more books by them in the future! Even just doing one or two things on the list is helpful!!!

  • Buy the book. I know, this is a duh. 
  • Buy the book for everyone on your Christmas list. (*big grin* I put this on here because my sweet wonderful inlaws already preordered TWENTY books.) But seriously, books make fabulous birthday/Christmas gifts. AND… if you want them autographed, most authors will mail you signed personalized bookplates that you can attach to the inside cover if you contact them. This makes for a SUPER cool gift!
  • Once your read the book (and hopefully like it!), writing reviews on places like Goodreads, Amazon,, etc are REALLY helpful. They also help offset 1-star reviews that we Christian authors tend to get from time to time that say, “Ugh, didn’t know this was a Christian book, I really don’t want to read all that God stuff.” (this is obviously just paraphrased and is oft times much meaner) 
  • Facebook status updates, “Reading Sandwich with a Side of romance… MAN this is a good book… it is 2 in the morning and I just can’t stop reading!” *grin* Seriously though, social media is a HUGE place to help spread the word! 
  • Belong to a book club? Suggest them to read it! Many times authors will agree to visit if scheduling allows or if it is local, or will even do a visit via Skype too. 
  • Okay, this is dumb. But I’ve done this with MANY of my fav books. I carry the book around with me. Have you ever seen someone reading a book in a doctor’s office and though, “ohhh, that looks good…” and made a mental note of the name? I read books on my lunch break (when I used to work…), when I’m traveling in the airport, or lots of places to bide the time. Just other people seeing that cover around is a big way to spread the word.

Okay, so I think you get the idea. There are probably a ton of things readers can do to help spread the word about an author, but I’ll just say this.


And I’m so incredibly appreciative of any way you feel like you can spread the word!


Yes, my book will be available on Kindle/Nook and all the other ereaders out there!! You can preorder the ebook at already. At some time before release date, it’ll be available at and as well! I’ll probably make that announcement on my Facebook Author page (which if you haven’t “liked” already… what ya waiting for?!? :-))


A few have asked me if it “helps” me more to have them preorder or to wait until the book comes out.

The answer is… it doesn’t really matter. There are benefits to either, so whatever is your pleasure. A sale is a sale!

I will say, on Amazon and it is still on “sale” for $7.72 vs the retail price of $14.99. I am assuming the price will go up at some point between now and release date, maybe not to the retail price, but to greater than the current price. So if you’re wanting to purchase online, I’d do so now or soon to lock in the lower price. (you aren’t charged until the book ships though!) Or you’re more than welcome to wait until release date too!

However, if you’re wanting to buy from a bookstore, that is SUPER cool too! I anticipate most major bookstores carrying the book (BAM, Lifeway, BN, just to name a few) and I’m a huge supporter of bookstores, so that is totally cool too!! Plus, the  more who buy there… the more likely the store is to reorder more for their shelves:-)


No one has asked me this, but I thought I’d address it. I LOVE all my blog followers, but I understand (oh to well) the money aspect, or lack-there-of.

My goal for publishing my book was not to make money. Well, *grin* not  my main goal anyway. I wrote a book God put on my heart, and my prayer is that God will use it for HIS glory.

So if you can’t afford it, get thyself to the library!!! If they don’t have it… ask them if they’d like to order it! I’ve already seen several libraries online post my book in the “coming soon” and it received a really good review from Library Journal (the publication librarians use to help decide which books to order….) so you aren’t asking them to order some obscure book that they can’t find anything about


This question makes me grin ear-to-ear.

I’ve had numerous notes/questions asking if it is okay to share my blog with other people. Others have emailed privately noting that they don’t want me to feel odd having someone comment that I don’t know.

So let me share a wee little blogger secret.


And I’m no exception! So if you want to, go for it!

I blog for a lot of reasons, many of them personal.

But I also blog because I want to share what God is doing, what God is showing me, and I want to glorify God through the journey He’s taking me on. And since I’m a writer… blogging is one of the big ways I can do that effectively using the gifts God has given me.

So, please. Share away!

Another secret:


Totally understand that commenting takes time. I read a TON of blogs per week, but I don’t have time to comment on them all, in fact many days, I don’t comment on any.

So, on one hand, don’t feel obligated to comment… but on the other hand, don’t be scared to either! Comments make a blogger smile, too 🙂 See? Big cheesy grin!

Discussion: Any other questions anyone has… about publishing, or my book or anything? Seriously, ask away! They might just inspire a “Monday” post in the future!!!



  1. Another thing that makes Krista smile… Searching something like, "Krista Phillips is the most amazing author ever on Earth!" and then clicking on when it comes up. Somehow she can she how her traffic got to her site, and it makes her go like this –> 😀 !

    I need to preorder a bunch more books for Christmas, as I was already planning to give one of your books to, well, EVERYBODY!!!

    1. *grin* I forgot… you did that once didn't you?!? HA HA HA!

      YOU, my friend, are AWESOME!

  2. Can't wait to have my book arrive 🙂 sooo excited!!

  3. I just bought 2 copies on Amazon!!! So exciting!!!!!!


    1. Awww! Thank you Shannon!!!!

  4. Just waiting for Amazon to have it for Kindle. Can't wait to read it!

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