I have too many words. Quite literally. I am less than 60 pages from finishing my massive edit of my manuscript. Previous to my edit, …

I have too many words. Quite literally. I am less than 60 pages from finishing my massive edit of my manuscript. Previous to my edit, …
Everyone’s heard of the Wii. Or at least most normal people in the 21st century have:-) In my book, I have a scene where the …
My critique group has just finished critiquing my chapter 3. They pointed out, lovingly of course, that even though the chapter was structured well and …
WOW it has been a busy week!!! We had our HR directors/managers in for our semi-annual conference at work, so my last 3 days has …
FRIDAY!! YAY!!!!! Seriously, I am so ready for the weekend. zzzzZZZZZzzz! I almost fell asleep at work today I was so tired (probably due to …