Taking this week off of blogging. Will be back bright and sunshiny and jobless (my last day at my current consulting gig is Friday–spending the …
Taking a break

Mommy goes bye-bye
Super Strong ACFW Writers…. Annabelle is not going to be happy with Mommy on Thursday. Not happy at all. Mommy is leaving… for a writer’s …

Quitting (and getting better…)
I’m starting to feel better today. After three solid days of running a fever my fever finally broke last night and *knock on wood* hasn’t …
The Art (and benefits) of Relaxing
I’ve always felt guilty when I crumble. When the mountain of “stuff” to do is piled so high, and my time looks about the size …

For the past 2 weeks, hubby and I have dedicated every waking/non-working moment just about to reorganizing/cleaning/rehauling our house. With Baby Annabelle coming, it was …