I always have good intentions in keeping my once-a-week blogging schedule. I can do anything once a week, right? (my unvacuumed floors beg to differ…) …
Schedule Change Up!
I’m on a mission! Life is SO crazy busy lately… (I mean, I honestly don’t remember a time in the last few years when it …
Summer Schedule FAIL
Beach trip 2013… I really wanna go back. Like, seriously contemplating driving 7 hours just to put my feet in the sand for an hour …
Schedule: Friend or Foe?!?
Ever since I began my adventure as “stay at home mom,” I’ve had this constant argument with myself. Should I make a schedule… or not? …
The Schedule Blues
A sign that you need to get a better handle on your schedule: You are called by your inlaws who are at your house on …