Today marks FIVE years since my debut novel, Sandwich, with a Side of Romance, released. FIVE years since I “gave birth” to my first book …

Today marks FIVE years since my debut novel, Sandwich, with a Side of Romance, released. FIVE years since I “gave birth” to my first book …
It’s finally here! The FINAL Sandwich Novella releases TODAY! A Side of Love is Beth and Garrett’s story, and oh. My. Goodness. I had a …
So…. this really fun thing happened a few weeks ago. My first novel, Sandwich with a Side of Romance, became available on AUDIO! How cool …
SURPRISE! I’m posting on Wednesday. I know, I know, I’m walking on the wild side… off schedule posting and all. *ahem* But anyway, I noticed …
Friday isn’t my normal post day but wanted to share that two awesome bloggers did interviews of yours truly over the last week, and we’re …