Today marks FIVE years since my debut novel, Sandwich, with a Side of Romance, released. FIVE years since I “gave birth” to my first book …

Today marks FIVE years since my debut novel, Sandwich, with a Side of Romance, released. FIVE years since I “gave birth” to my first book …
Oh I’m so excited about today!! I’ve been anxiously waiting to be able to share the cover my cousin (aka awesome graphics guy who puts …
I’m preparing my 2014 “Books I want to read” list. I’ll be posting it here on Thursday. It’s a little late… already 3 months into …
I’ve LOVED romance month! Thanks, everyone who stopped in, for sharing your thoughts on romance, love and writing! Next month, the theme will be GREEN! …
Is it just me, or does romance take time? Oh, I think I just got a few deer in the headlight looks from a few …