I always have good intentions in keeping my once-a-week blogging schedule. I can do anything once a week, right? (my unvacuumed floors beg to differ…) …

I always have good intentions in keeping my once-a-week blogging schedule. I can do anything once a week, right? (my unvacuumed floors beg to differ…) …
So, today is blogging day. But I was busy this week and didn’t make time to do so. BOO for me. But in my defense, …
Judge Mommy is residing. Okay, not quite so formal. But with the winds of change blowing yet again in our household, I have a deep …
I did something dreadful over the weekend. I sat down and determined to work on my current book with ZERO interruptions. No. That wasn’t the …
A friend of mine tweeted me the other day: I want 2 c ur schedule sometime. U’ve got to be the busiest person I’ve ever …