IT’S HERE!!!!!! IT’S HERE!!!!!! A Side of Faith is HERE! And you can’t have a book launch without CELEBRATING, right? Of course not! So today …

IT’S HERE!!!!!! IT’S HERE!!!!!! A Side of Faith is HERE! And you can’t have a book launch without CELEBRATING, right? Of course not! So today …
*confession* I’m nervous. I’ve never hosted a Facebook party. What if it flops? What if my whole book flops? What if everyone hates it? What …
CLICK on the invite above to go RSVP. And don’t forget to preregister (link is on the RSVP site) PLEASE feel free to share and …
I’ve debated back and forth over the whole “book launch” party thing. Kinda like muscisians sometimes throw CD release parties, authors will throw book launch …