For you writers out there: Have you ever gone back to the *first* draft of your *first* book and wondered, what was I thinking? I …
Stupid Krista Mistakes Take One
Rule #1: When you begin your query letter, tell them what you want. Don’t blab on for paragraphs about your past history, even if it …
What to write
As promised, today I’ll share a portion of my 2009 goals. 1.) Finish editing LOLDue: March, 2009Measurement:-Critique group has reviewed entire novel-All critiques have been …

Lessons I learned
As I’ve already noted, ACFW was, wow. Those 3 days were filled will OODLES of information, too much really for me to process. But the …

Look out people: Here comes LOL
If I haven’t told you before, my *proposed* title of my book is LOL. That’s right, LOL. Reason for the title: First, it is a …