I’m struggling lately. I’m a woman of pretty fierce passions and strong opinions, some of which are not widely agreed with or popular in the …

I’m struggling lately. I’m a woman of pretty fierce passions and strong opinions, some of which are not widely agreed with or popular in the …
…. but probably won’t any time soon. #5 – Oreo cookies. Went grocery shopping yesterday and in a moment of weakness, grabbed a bag of …
I asked on my Facebook author page yesterday if “likees” (I guess people call them fans, but it feels so presumptuous to refer to all …
I “defriended” someone on Facebook today for the first time. I didn’t know him. We had like 200+ friends in common so he was obviously …
CLICK on the invite above to go RSVP. And don’t forget to preregister (link is on the RSVP site) PLEASE feel free to share and …