In 2007, via a miss-guided FedEx package, God nudged me to pick up writing again. (Thanks again, Michael Snyder and Zondervan, for that address mistake!) …
Agents, Editors and others, OH MY!: 2009 conference series
True Story: Last year at the ACFW conference, I was SO nervous (duh.) It was my first one… and even though I’d skimmed through the …
10 things writers do NOT want to hear
I hope you’ve enjoyed “10 things” week on my blog! I’ve had fun creating these, and view them as a practice exercise for my books …
Stupid Krista Mistakes Take Two
Rule #2: Seriously? Tell them about your book. Don’t give your own thoughts about how awesome it is, let them make up their OWN mind …
Stupid Krista Mistakes Take One
Rule #1: When you begin your query letter, tell them what you want. Don’t blab on for paragraphs about your past history, even if it …