You’ve finished your manuscript. It’s… PERFECT. Okay, so you need to run a quick spell check through it, and maybe let your mom proofread it …
Let’s all go back to THIRD GRADE!
I just know you all want to be teleported back to the 3rd grade and relive it right? Actually, that particular year was a good …
ACK! That word sends shivers up my spine. But, that’s what I’ve been doing tonight. My first chapter has never sat write, no matter HOW …
Seriously? Did I write THAT bad?
For you writers out there: Have you ever gone back to the *first* draft of your *first* book and wondered, what was I thinking? I …
Stupid Krista Mistakes Take Two
Rule #2: Seriously? Tell them about your book. Don’t give your own thoughts about how awesome it is, let them make up their OWN mind …