My Lacy and I were talking about dreams the other day. We were talking about houses, actually, as she complained a bit at the “small” …
Unexpected Blessings– when God shows off
We got a new washer and dryer yesterday! OH MY GOODNESS. I think I am in love. Yes, with my washer and dryer. Don’t judge. …
A break, in more ways than one!
Taking this week off of blogging. Will be back bright and sunshiny and jobless (my last day at my current consulting gig is Friday–spending the …
SALE! Sandwich Sequels! Dreams! Oh-MY!
Thanks, Kaye Dacus, for my lovely ornament last year!!! I LOVE IT! It’s been a while since I’ve done a “promotion” post. So forgive me …
My big (PUBLISHING) news!
In 2007, via a miss-guided FedEx package, God nudged me to pick up writing again. (Thanks again, Michael Snyder and Zondervan, for that address mistake!) …