It’s been a perfect frown week. Started off bad. Hoping it ends on a higher note today!! Started off with losing my keys. One daughter …

It’s been a perfect frown week. Started off bad. Hoping it ends on a higher note today!! Started off with losing my keys. One daughter …
I could complain about a lot of things today… …like the fact that I’m going to the dentist and am NOT looking forward to it… …
No, nothing is wrong with Annabelle or our family. Everyone *knock on wood* is doing pretty well at the moment. (although continued prayers that it …
HAPPY THANKSGIVING WEEK!!!! Y’all ready for TURKEY? A few random fun things today: Two fun new Annabelle things… Annabelle has discovered the fun of …
A while back, I was walking out my front door on a super nice, sunny, HOT day. I stepped off my front porch and was …