Every “pre” published author struggles with identity.

Do we call ourselves writers?

If we do, then we get the obvious question, “What have you written?”

When you explain you unpublished status, they then ask, “Well, when will it be published?”


Some days I decide not to mention it. But my family insists on flaunting my ‘writer’ status for me.

Case in point:

I went to my daughters parent-teacher conference today. The teacher was excited to see me and wanted to know all about my ‘trip’. At first I was confused, what did she know about my trip?

She then asked what I do… was I a writer or a model?



I let out a snort laugh and told her I was a writer.

Evidently my daughter told her teacher all about my writing, and how I’d gone on a trip for it. She then talked about me having to get a pretty dress for my trip too. (Of course, my dress for the banquet…)

I explained that I wasn’t published (yet) but had attended a big writer’s conference and write contemporary romance for the Christian market. She thought it was cool and mercifully didn’t ask for clarification.

I was beyond relieved.

On the plus side, my daughter is smart as a whip! The teacher gave a glowing report. My Karalynn is kind, follows directions, and is good at math and reading. WOOHOO. What more could a mom ask for?!?

(P.S. the picture above is obviously of my daughter. SHE is my little model!!)



  1. Isn’t it great to have our families as cheerleaders? When I first started writing I tried very hard to keep it a secret, but thanks to the fam, it was out there!

  2. What a great story. Your daughter seems so sweet. I kept my writing a secret from everyone, except my hubby, for seven years.


    So, when I told them I was starting to submit to agents for representation…they were all stunned. Speechless. I mean, seriously speechless. Especially my dad. It was hilarious. Well, they’ve known now about 11 months….and most are supportive, some still confused. But, I don’t call myself a writer…can’t quite wrap my brain around the fact that I’ve written three books…Someday maybe it’ll sink in??

    Have a great weekend, Krista! Thanks for sharing.

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